partment of Education, 1958; Harold M. Skeels, Ph.D„ Na-
tional Institute of Mental Health, 1962: Robert Felix, M.D.,
Director, National Institute of Mental Health, 1961; Regina
Slaughter, 1958; Mrs. Helen Cann Janne, 1959; Irving Taylor,
M.D., 1961; Herbert L. Wynne, 1961; E. W. Ditto, Jr., M.D.,
1962; Webster Sewell, M.D., 1963.
The Mental Hygiene Board of Review is composed of the President
of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates, ex officio,
and nine members appointed by the Governor, with the advice and
consent of the Senate, for six-year terms. Of these members, two
must be psychiatrists, one a physician not specializing in psychiatry,
one a psychologist, one an educator, one a psychiatric social worker,
and three persons of recognized ability. The Board of Review visits
each of the institutions in the Department of Mental Hygiene at
least twice in each year and at the close of each calendar year makes
a written report to the Governor and the Commissioner of Mental
Hygiene of its findings and recommendations concerning the opera-
tions of the hospitals and the Department of Mental Hygiene (Code
1951, Art. 59, sec. 15f).
Ralph H. Meng, M.D., Superintendent
Crownsville (Anne Arundel County) Telephone: Victor 9-2751
Crownsville State Hospital, established in 1910, was opened to
patients in 1911. The hospital provides care for mentally ill Negro
patients from all parts of the State. The budget is predicated upon
a population of 2,451 for the fiscal year 1956-57.
Appropriations 1957 1958
General Funds ..................$3,471,353 $3,785,846
Staff: 793
George E. Currier, M.D., Superintendent
Cambridge (Dorchester County) Telephone: Cambridge 445
The Eastern Shore State Hospital, established by the General
Assembly of 1912, admitted its first patients in 1915. This hospital
provides for the care of mentally ill white patients who are residents
of the Eastern Shore. The budget is predicated upon a population
of 660 for the fiscal year 1956-57.
Appropriations 1957 1958
General Funds .................$1,136,017 $1,243,166
Staff: 264
George C. Medairy, M.D., Superintendent
Owings Mills (Baltimore County) Telephone: Hunter 6-5200
Rosewood State Training School, established by the General As-
sembly of 1888, admitted its first children in 1889. The school pro-