The Department of Mental Hygiene was established by the General
Assembly of 1949. It has full and plenary powers over, and super-
vision of, all matters relating to the custody, care, and treatment of
persons of unsound mind; and it supervises and licenses all institu-
tions, public, private, or corporate, in which mental patients are
detained. The Department is directed by a Commissioner, appointed
by the Governor with the approval of the Mental Hygiene Advisory
Board, who controls and directs all State institutions caring for and
treating persons of unsound mind. There are within the Department
of Mental Hygiene two divisions, the chiefs of which, together with
all technical and professional personnel, are appointed by the Com-
missioner with the approval of the Advisory Board (Code 1951, Art.
59, secs. 15a, 15b, 17, 18).
Division of Psychiatric Education and Training
The Division of Psychiatric Education and Training supervises the
psychiatric, nursing, rehabilitation, and social work carried on by the
staffs of the several State mental hospitals.
Division of Administration and Finance
The Division of Administration and Finance supervises personnel
and public relations, budget and accounting, procurement, farm
management, engineering and maintenance, and food supervision in
the several State mental hospitals.
Appropriations 1957 1958
General Funds ...................$323,815 $348,170
Staff: 51
Mental Hygiene Advisory Board
Chairman: John C. Whitehorn, M.D.
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Jacob Finesinger, M.D„ Professor of Psychiatry, University
of Maryland; Ernest L. Stebbins, Ph.D., Director, School of
Hygiene, The Johns Hopkins University; Thomas J. S. Wax-
ter, Director, State Department of Public Welfare; Geneva
Ely Flickinger, Supervisor, Special Education, State Depart-
ment of Education.
The Mental Hygiene Advisory Board was established by the
General Assembly of 1949. It consists of the Professor of Psychiatry
at the University of Maryland, the Professor of Psychiatry at The
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the Director of the School of
Mental Hygiene of The Johns Hopkins University, the Director of
the State Department of Public Welfare, and the Supervisor of Special
Education of the State Department of Education. The Board selects
its chairman. In addition to recommending appointments of person-
nel to the Governor and to the Commissioner of Mental Hygiene, the
Board has advisory powers in professional and technical matters that
relate to the administration of the Department (Code 1951, Art. 59,
sec. 15e).
Mental Hygiene Board of Review
Senator Louis L. Goldstein, President of the Senate; John
C. Luber, Speaker of the House of Delegates; Robert C.
Thompson, Director, Vocational Rehabilitation, State De-