election of ......................33, 154
University of Maryland. .23, 58-63, 65, 66, 69,
Historical list of ................... 457
7«, 87, 91, 95, 133, 506
member of Advisory Council ........ 28
Upper Montgomery County Planning
Merchandising Fund ............... 90
Commission........................ 266
unexpired term .................... 27
Upper Potomac River Commission . . . 129-130
Treasurers, County .................... 240
Urban Areas, defined...............493-494
Treasurers of the Eastern Shore ......... 457
Urban Population, 1790-1950 ........... 495
Treasurers of the Western Shore ........ 457
Use Tax.............................. 31
Treaty of Paris ....................... 20
Utilities, public, regulated.............. 42
Tree experts, licensed .................. 83
Trial Magistrates:
counsel ........................... 37
Vacation trade, promotion of ........... 113
Trout rearing stations.................. 81
Vegetable crops, research ............... 61
Trucking companies, regulated .......... 42
Vending Stand Department............. 58
Trust companies, supervised ............ 39
Venereal Disease Control, Division of .... 67
Tuberculosis, Bureau of ................ 67
Veterans Commission, Maryland........ 114
Tuberculosis Hospitals................67-68
Veterans of Foreign Wars .............. 114
Veterans Relief Fund.................. 114
Veterinary Medical Examiners,
State Board of ...................... 118
Unclassified Service.................... 51
Vetoes, Governor's..................27, 154
Vice President of the United States,
see Funeral Directors
election returns..................... 297
Unemployment Compensation Division . . 48
Victor F. Cullen State Hospital ......... 67
Unemployment Compensation Law...... 48
Vienna (Md.) ......................... 20
Unemployment Trust Fund ............. 49
Virginia.........................17, 79, 132
Uniform laws:
Vital Records and Statistics, Division of.. 67
fisheries.......................... Z31
Vocational Education, Division of ....... 54
promotion of ....................38, 130
Vocational schools, licensing ............ 54
Uniform Small Loan Law .............. 41
Voting, absentee...................... 133
Uniform State Laws, Commissioners on . . 38
Union Hospital of Cecil County......... 224
Union Memorial Hospital .............. 223
Unit Vote............................ 288
Walsh-Healy Act...................... 46
U. S. Congress, election returns,
Walters Art Gallery ................... 271
277, 292-294, 299-300, 305-310
War Ballot Commission, State.......... 133
U. S. Depository Library............... Ill
War Between The States............... 21
U. S. Government (agencies of):
War Memorial Commission ............. 115
Army Corps of Engineers........... 129
War of 1812 .......................... 21
Bureau of the Census.............. 493
War Records Division................. 114
Bureau of Mines.................. 87
Warrants, land........................ Ill
Department of Agriculture........ 36, 62
Washington-Annapolis Freeway ......... 23
Department of the Air Force ....... 97
Washington Cemetery Trustees......... 133
Department of the Army ......... 22, 97
Washington College................219, 505
Department of Commerce .......... 493
Washington County:
Federal Bureau of Investigation ..... 99
area ............................. 492
Fish and Wildlife Service........... 131
Chronic Disease Hospital ........... 23
Interstate Commerce Commission ... 42
county seat ....................... 486
Naval Academy................... 22
Court terms...................... 488
Naval Air Station................. 22
Delegates ........................ 161
Soil Conservation Service .......... 89
Democratic Committee ............ 316
U. S. Representatives, list of .........472-478
election districts................... 504
U. S. Senators, list of .......446-447, 470-472
name and origin ................... 486
U. S. Supreme Court, Justices of ........ 479
Officers...................237-264, 267
Orphans' Court days............... 488
see colleges
population....................496, 504
University Hospital.................... 61
Republican Committee ............. 320
University of Baltimore ................ 505
Senator.......................... 158