Baltimore City 268
solid fuel 31
counties 247
study of 38
plats 111
titling 103, 107
Supervisors of Elections, Boards of
use 31
Baltimore City 268
Teachers, certification of 54
Counties 245 247
Teachers Colleges 54 55 57, 505
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
Teachers' Retirement System 52
election returns 278, 296, 301, 310
Telephone companies, regulated 42
Judges 189
Television Stations 510
Probation Officer 268
Telegraph companies, regulated 42
Supreme Court, U S Justices of 479
Terms of Courts 486-488
Tests, Bureau of 271
Baltimore City 268
Third Congressional Distnct
Counties 243
boundaries 467
Surveyors, licensed 126
election returns 277, 292, 299, 305, 306
Surveys, Bureau of 271
map 469
Susquehanna River Toll Bridge 104, 105
Tidewater Fisheries, Department of,
Susquehannocks 15, 18
78, 79 80, 100, 131
Swallow Falls State Forest 13, 84
Title Tax 103, 107
Swedes 19
Sylvan Retreat 224
commission agencies 91
experimental farm 61
Inspector of 90
trade 18, 21
Talbot County
Tobacco Authority, Maryland 91
area 492
Tobacco Warehouse, State 90
county seat 486
Tockoghes 15
Court terms 488
Toilet articles, manufacturing permits 120
Delegates 161
Toll bridges
Democratic Committee 316
regulated 42
election districts 504
State owned 103, 104-105
name and origin 486
Toll Facilities Department 104 105
Officers 237-261, 267
Topographic Surveys 86
Orphans' Court days 488
Tourism, encouragement of 113
population 496, 504
Republican Committee 320
audits 34
Senator 158
financial reports 38
taxable basis 232
legislation 153
towns 492
Mayors 488-492
Talking book machines 58
population 13, 497-500
Tax Commission, State 34, 113
records depository 112
Tax Court, Montgomery County Appeal 266
Townshend Acts 20
Tax Districts, Special
Towson State Teachers College 57, 505
see Special Tax Distnct
Trade Commission, Baltimore County 265
Tax maps 113
Trade Mark Law, Agricultural 61 62
Tax Rate, State 233
Trade Marks, registered 29
Taxable Basis 232
Trade names, registered 29
Taxicabs, Baltimore City, regulated 42
Trade schools, licensing of 54
Traffic Court, Baltimore City 269
admissions 31
Traffic Division 102
alcoholic beverage 31
Traffic Director, Baltimore City 271
apples 90
Traffic Safety Commission, Maryland 100, 107
collection 31
Traffic Staff 100
levying 154
Training Schools 71, 73, 74
gasoline 31, 103
Transportation, Bureau of 271
corporation 34-35
Trasquakins 15
income 31, 34, 35
Treasurer, Baltimore City 271
recommendations for 32
Treasurer, State
sales 31
duties 33