recommendation of the Comptroller, covering matters of business
administration in the various departments, institutions and agencies
of the State, including the fixing of uniform rates of mileage allow-
ance, and the terms and renewals of all bonds furnished by State
officials and employees. The sale, lease or transfer of any property,
either real or personal belonging to any State agency or institution
must be approved, and the conveyance signed by the Board and the
highest official of the agency or institution. In cases where no agency
or institution claims the property the Board shall execute the con-
veyance. The Board of Public Works also has custody of the Emer-
gency Appropriation Funds which are used to supplement the budgets
of the agencies and institutions of the State. The Board of Public
Works also has power to authorize the disposal of the records of any
agency or institution of the State, when such disposal has been
approved by the Hall of Records Commission (Code 1951, Art. 78A,
secs. 1 to 10; 1965 supp. Art. 78A, sec. 1A-1E; Art. 41, secs. 154, 156).
Public Works
Appropriations— 1955 1956
General Funds
Administration ................ $ 5,485.00 $ 5,115.00
Emergency Fund ............ 400,000.00 350,000.00
For Refund of Money Er-
roneously Paid into the
State Treasury ............ 10,000.00 10,000.00
Workmen's Compensation
Insurance Premium .... 130,136.00 115,328.00
Totals .................... $545,620.00 $480,443.00
J. Millard Tawes, Comptroller of the Treasury, 1959
Joseph O'C. McCusker, Chief Deputy Comptroller
Theodore H. Taylor, Deputy Comptroller
Edna O. Williams, Deputy Comptroller
Abbie M. Sullivan, Deputy Comptroller
George E. Gannon, Chief Accountant
Edward J. Dyas, Chief License Inspector
Bernard F. Nossel, Chief, Gasoline Tax Division
Roger V. Laynor, Chief, Alcoholic Beverages Tax Division
Benjamin F. Marsh, Chief, Income Tax Division
Walter E. Kennedy, Chief, Retail Sales Tax Division
Joseph S. Hogg, Chief, Admissions Tax Division
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Colonial 8-3371
The Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury was established in
1861. The Comptroller is elected by popular vote for a term of four
years (Const. 1867, Art. VI, sec. 1). He has general superintendence
over the fiscal affairs of the State, preparing plans for the improve-
ment and management of the revenue, and for the support of the
public credit. The Comptroller's office maintains the central account-
ing office of the State, approving warrants for all money to be paid
out of the Treasury. The Comptroller or his deputies countersign all
checks drawn by the Treasurer upon the deposits of the State. The
Comptroller prescribes the formalities for the transfer, or other