The results of all referenda and constitutional amendments submitted
to the electorate are certified by the Secretary of State. He keeps and
publishes the results of elections held in the State, and in addition,
keeps the records of the State Board of Canvassers of which he is a
member (Code 1961, Art. 33, secs. 112, 113, 128). A record of all com-
missions issued and all appointments made by the Governor is kept by
his office (Code 1961, Art. 41, sec. 84). This office also maintains a
record of trade marks and trade names used within the State (Code
1956 supp., Art. 41, secs. 87A-87N. Also maintained here is a registry
of all legislative agents and counsels, the legislative subjects in which
they are interested, and the amounts received and expended by them
while engaged in such activity (Code 1961, Art. 40, secs. 6-14). The
Secretary of State is also the legally designated attorney of non-resi-
dent drivers, aviators and aircraft owners involved in accidents in
Maryland. All processes or warrants served upon him in this connec-
tion have the same legal effect as though they were served upon the
individual (Code 1951, Art. 66 1/2 sec. 113; Art. 75, sec. 159). All
administrative rules or regulations adopted by any State officer or
department must be filed with the Secretary of State who shall be
responsible for publishing such rules and regulations and supplements
thereto (Code 1961, Art. 41, sec. 9).
Appropriations 1956 1966
General Fund ................................ $32,641 $52,243
Staff: 7.
Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor
J. Millard Tawes, Comptroller of the Treasury
Hooper S. Miles, Treasurer
Joseph O'C. McCusker, Secretary to the Board
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Colonial 8-3371
The Board of Public Works is composed of the Governor, the
Comptroller, and the State Treasurer (Const. 1867, Art. XII, sec. 1).
The Board exercises such powers and duties as may be delegated to
it in regard to the creation of the State debt. All contracts for the
expenditures of the proceeds of loans authorized by the General
Assembly are subject to the approval of the Board. The Board super-
vises the expenditure of all sums appropriated for the acquisition of
land, buildings, equipment, new construction and other capital expen-
ditures, except in connection with State roads, bridges and highways:
the contracts for the former expenditures are subject to the approval
of the Board, after review by the Director of Budget and Procure-
ment. The Board has the power to approve every new lease or
renewal for land, buildings or office space before it is executed by
any department, board, commission, State officer or institution of the
State. It may also designate the location of any State agency, after
review by the Director of Budget and Procurement. The Board may
borrow upon the credit of the State, at any time between the sessions
of the General Assembly, sums not to exceed $60,000, to meet tem-
porary deficits in the Treasury; and in addition, it may borrow upon
the credit of the State total amounts not exceeding $1,000,000 in
anticipation of taxes levied for any year. All such loans shall bear
interest at a rate determined by the Board, and shall mature and be
repaid at or before the end of the fiscal year in which the money is
borrowed. The Board has power to adopt rules and regulations, upon