Theatres. Former Trial Magistrate of Washington County, 1951-1952.
Member of the Maryland State Bar. Unmarried. Elected to the House
of Delegates in 1954.
ORLAND B. BLADES, Democrat, Caroline County; born in Sea-
ford, Delaware, August 29, 1901. Attended the public schools of Pres-
ton and Washington College. Feed and farm machinery dealer. Inter-
national Counsellor of Lions International. Member of Masons. Mar-
ried. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950.
MYRON L. BLOOM, Democrat, Washington County; born at Tilgh-
manton, Washington County, August 16, 1896. He attended the public
schools of Washington County and Western Maryland College. He is
a grain dealer and former school principal at Downsville. Postmaster
of St. James, Maryland 1926-1943, trustee of Ashland College, Ash-
land, Ohio, trustee Washington County Hospital, trustee Washing-
ton County Orphans' Home, trustee Washington County Historical
Society, director Washington County National Savings Bank of
Williamsport. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1942.
A. GORDON BOONE, Democrat, Baltimore County; born in Balti-
more County, December 2, 1910. Attended public schools in Baltimore,
the Jacob Tome Institute and the Johns Hopkins University, graduat-
ing in 1934. Attorney. Admitted to the Bar in 1937. President Balti-
more County Bar Association 1950 and 1951. Counsel to the Balti-
more County Welfare Board 1940-1942. From 1942-1945 he served
with the Amphibious Forces, U. S. Naval Reserve, as Lieutenant
Commander. Unmarried. Majority Leader, 1951-1952; 1955. Elected
to the House of Delegates in 1946.
PAUL E. BREWER, Republican, Washington County; born at
Clear Spring, Washington County, November 25, 1892. Attended
Washington County public schools. Salesman. Married. Member of
Fraternal Order of Police and the Knights of Pythias. Elected to
the House of Delegates in 1954.
DANIEL B. BREWSTER, Democrat, Baltimore County; born in
Brooklandville, Baltimore County, November 23, 1923. Attended Gil-
man and St. Paul's schools, Princeton University, the Johns Hopkins
University and graduated from the Law School of the University of
Maryland in 1949. Admitted to the Bar the same year. Captain, U. S.
Marine Corps Reserve, enlisted 1942, served in South Pacific 1943-
1945. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950.
LOTTIE ROBINSON BRINSFIELD, Democrat, Dorchester County;
born May 13, 1898 in Sharptown, Wicomico County. Attended the
public schools of Wicomico County and Beacom Business College,
Salisbury. Housewife. Past-president of the Upper Dorchester County
Garden Club, member of the Eastern Star and of the Board of Di-
rectors of the Cambridge-Maryland Hospital. Appointed to the House
of Delegates to succeed her husband, the late D. Floyd Brinsfield, in
March 1953.
EDWARD WALTER BROOKS, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in
Baltimore, September 25, 1895. Attended the Baltimore public schools.
Haberdasher. Former president Maryland State Baseball Association;
Maryland Amateur Baseball Association; President of Inter-State
Baseball Association; member of Moose, Junior Order, Kiwanis and
Gardenville Improvement Association. Married. Elected to the House
of Delegates in 1954.
WILLIAM HOWARD BROWN, Democrat, Howard County; born
at Woodstock, Howard County, April 29, 1907. He attended Howard
County public schools. Farmer. Former member Howard County