JOSEPH A. ACKER, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in Baltimore,
December 19, 1898. Attended St. James parochial school. Investigator
and adjuster. Served as member of Panel of War Labor Board 1948-
1945. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950.
JOHN T. ADAMS, Democrat, Dorchester County; born in Cam-
bridge, April 29, 1905. Attended the public schools of Cambridge.
Fuel dealer. Judge of the Orphans' Court 1938-1950. Master Mason,
member of Advisory Committee Boy Scouts Troop 188. Married. Elect-
ed to the House of Delegates in 1950.
HOWARD E. ANKENEY, Democrat, Washington County; born
near Clear Spring, Washington County, August 12, 1903. Attended
school at Charlton. Merchant. Married. Elected to the House of Dele-
gates in 1943.
JESSE J. ASHBY, Republican, Garrett County; born at Crellin,
Garrett County, January 29, 1890. Attended Garrett County public
schools. Former deputy sheriff, Sheriff, Treasurer, and Clerk to the
County Commissioners of Garrett County. Former member of Oak-
land City Council. Mason, Knights of Pythias, and Woodman of the
World. Unmarried. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1954.
CARL W. BACHARACH, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in Balti-
more, July 27, 1921. Attended the public schools of Baltimore, Balti-
more City College, the University of Maryland, graduating with A.B.,
1942; LL.B., 1947. Attorney. Member of the Maryland Bar, Civitan
Club, American Legion, Isaac Walton League, Real Estate Board.
Served in the U. S. Army 1942-1945. Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1950.
C. RAY BARNES, Republican, Carroll County; born at Taylors-
ville, Carroll County, September 15, 1890. He attended the public
schools of Carroll County. Retired farmer. Trustee of the Carroll
County Historical Society; Director of the First National Bank of
Mt. Airy and the Mt. Airy Building and Loan Association. Superint-
endent, Taylorsville Methodist Church School. Married. Elected to
the House of Delegates in 1926.
EDWARD J. BARTOS, SR., Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born in
Baltimore, October 26, 1897. Attended parochial school in Baltimore.
Steel worker. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950.
HENRY T. BAYNES, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in Baltimore,
April 11, 1889. Attended the public schools of Baltimore. Florist.
Member of the House of Delegates 1938-1950, and since 1954.
RUDOLPH BEHOUNEK, Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born in Cze-
choslovakia, October 11, 1893. Businessman. Former member of the
Port Development Commission of Baltimore City. Married. Member
of the House of Delegates 1939-1941; and since 1949.
EARL BENNETT, Democrat, Dorchester County; born on Holland
Island, Dorchester County, June 24, 1894. He attended the Dorchester
County public schools. Sales representative. Served with Naval
Aviation in 1919. Married. Member of the House of Delegates 1935-
1938 and member of the Senate 1938-1946. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1954.
JACOB B. BERKSON, Republican, Washington County; born in
Hagerstown, December 6, 1925. He attended the Washington County
public schools, University of Virginia, graduating in 1947 and the
University of Virginia Law School receiving the degree of LL.B. in
1949. Attorney. Served in the U. S. N. R. on active duty 1943-1946 and
1952-1954, in the American, Pacific-Asiatic, and Japanese-Korean