from January 8, 1954, to December 31, 1954, the bridge was used by
1,059,866 vehicles producing a total revenue of $184,265.75.
Revenues and expenditures of the Patuxent River Toll Bridge and
the Williamsport Toll Bridge are administered under the budget
of the State Roads Commission.
Advisory Board
Chairman: S. S. Steinberg, Dean, College of Engineering
University of Maryland
James J. O'Donnell, Director, Department of Public Im-
1. Alvin Pasarew, Director, Maryland State Planning Com-
Norman M. Pritchett, Chief Engineer, State Roads Com-
Joseph T. Singewald, Director, Department of Geology,
Mines and Water Resources
George W. Cassell, Engineer-in-charge
307 Tower Building, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Lexington 9-4370
The Bureau of Control Surveys and Maps was established by the
General Assembly of 1939. Inactive during World War II, the agency
was reactivated by the State Roads Commission in 1951. This Bureau
is under the direction of an advisory board consisting of the Chief
Engineer of the State Roads Commission, the Director of the Mary-
land State Planning Commission, the Director of the Department of
Public Improvements, the Director of the Department of Geology,
Mines and Water Resources, and the Dean of the College of Engi-
neering of the University of Maryland. The agency coordinates the
activities of the various agencies engaged in mapping and surveying
in the State, provides information concerning maps of Maryland and
maintains a library of State maps (Code 1951, Art. 91, secs. 30-33).
The funds for the operation of the Bureau are provided in the budget
of the State Reads Commission.
Frank Small, Jr., Commissioner, 1959
W. Dana Rudy, Deputy Commissioner
Owen R. E. McGeeney, Comptroller
Michael A. Noppinger, Register of Titles
Guilford Ave., at 21st St., Baltimore 18 Telephone: Belmont 5-3900
The Office of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles was established
by the Acts of 1910. The Commissioner, who is appointed by the
Governor and confirmed by the Senate for a term of four years, serves
as the director of the Department.
The Department issues all drivers' licenses in the State, and appli-
cants are required to pass an eye test, written examination of the
Motor Vehicle Laws of Maryland and a driving demonstration. These