Optometry, International Association
of Boards of Examiners in.... 124
Orphans' Courts
Judges, Baltimore City......... 296
Judges, Counties .............. 263
terms ....................... 522
Osteopathic Examiners, Board of.... 125
Oysters, conservation ............. 82
Pardons ........................ 27
Park and Planning Commission,
Maryland-National Capital. . . . 129
Parking Commission, Baltimore Off-
Street ..................... 301
Parks, Department of Forests
and ..........81, 83, 85, 88, 91, 92
Parts, State ............13, 87, 88, 110
Parole and Probation, Board of . . . .94, 98
Parole and Probation, Department of 98
Parole and Probation, Interstate
Compact on ................ 98
Patapsco Land Advisory Committee. . 88
Patapsco State Park..........13, 87, 88
Patents, land .................... 113
Patuxent Institution .............. 97
Pfttuxent Naval Air Station........ 22
Patuxent River Bridge............ 107
Payroll Bureau, Central........... 33
Peabody Institute, established...... 22
Peale Municipal Museum........... 301
Pedic Association, Maryland, ...... 125
Penal Farm, State ................ 96
Penal Institutions, supervision....94, 95
Peninsula General Hospital.....240, 241
Peninsular Horticultural Society. . . . 243
Penitentiary, Maryland ........... 95
see Retirement Systems
People's Counsel ................ 42
People's Court of Baltimore City
Election Returns ........... 308, 313
Judges ...................... 191
Permanent Boards of Registry
Allegany County .............. 292
Anne Arundel County.......... 292
Frederick County ............. 293
Montgomery County .......... 294
Personnel, State Commissioner of... 50
Personnel Board, Montgomery County 294
Personnel Director, Prince George's
County .................... 294
Pharmaceutical Association,
Maryland ..............71, 122
Pharmacy, Maryland Board of ...... 122
Physically Handicapped
education ............56, 58, 59, 237
employment ..............49, 50, 59
public assistance ............. 73
rehabilitation ................ 56
Physically Handicapped, Governor's
Committee to Promote Employ-
ment of ................... 50
Physical Therapy Examiners, Board
of ........................ 128
Physicians, licensing ............. 119
Physicians Memorial Hospital . . , 240, 241
Pilots, Aircraft, licenses ........... 43
Pine Bluff State Hospital.......... 70
Planning Commission, Maryland-
National Capital Park and. . . . 129
Planning Commission, Maryland
State ............109, 111, 138
Planning Commissions
Baltimore City ............... 301
Baltimore County ............. 292
Howard County .............. 294
Montgomery County ...... 129, 294
Prince George's County........ 129
St. Mary's County............. 295
Planning and Zoning Commissions,
Anne Arundel County.......... 292
Harford County .............. 293
Howard County ............... 294
Wicomico County ............. 295
Plats, filing of ................... 113
Plumbers, licenses ............... 118
Plumbing, Board of Commissioners of
Practical ...............117, 118
Plumbing Commission, Anne Arundel
County .................... 292
Plumbing Inspector, Chief, Baltimore
County .................... 292
Plumbing Inspectors, Board of Balti-
more County ............... 292
Pocomoke State Forest........... 13, 86
Poetry Day ..................... 519
Police, Department of Maryland
State ..................101, 103
Police Chiefs, County
Anne Arundel ................ 292
Baltimore .................... 292
Harford ..................... 293
Howard ..................... 294
Montgomery ................. 294
Prince George's .............. 294
Police Commissioner, Baltimore City 300
Police Examiners, Board of, Anne
Arundel County ............ 292
Police Magistrates, Baltimore City.. 297
Police Retirement System, State.... 53
Police Training School......... 102, 103
cities and towns.............13, 534
counties .............. 533, 538-541
State, 1950 ................13, 530
urban and rural, 1790-1950..... 532
Port of Baltimore statistics........ 13
Port of Baltimore Development Com-
mission .................... 301
Postmortem Examiners
Commission ............. 103, 282
Postmortem Examiners,
Department of ............. 103
Potomac River Basin, Interstate
Commission on ............. 135
Potomac River Bridge............. 106
Potomac River Commission, Upper.. 132
Potomac River Conservancy District. 135
Potomae State Forest............13, 86
Poultry Diseases, control of ....... 63
Poultry Sale and Transportation Law 62