Mineral Resources, conservation. . .81, 88
Miners Hospital ................. 72
Mines and Water Resources,
Department of Geology....... 88
Mines, Bureau of ................ 81 , 89
Mines, Bureau of, U. S............ 89
see child care, child labor, child
welfare and children
Miscellaneous Commissions ........ 136
Miscellaneous Information ........ 519
Monocacy, Battle of .............. 21
Montebello State Hospital ......... 70
Montgomery County
area ........................ 529
cities and towns.............. 527
Council ...................... 265
County seat .................. 521
Court terms .................. 523
Delegates .................... 164
Democratic State Central
Committee ................. 341
election returns ............305-335
Finance, Director of ........... 264
name and origin............... 521
Officers ...............261-291, 294
Parks ....................... 129
Planning Commissions ......129, 294
Population ................ 533, 540
recreation ................... 130
refuse collection .............. 130
Republican State Central
Committee ................. 346
Senator ..................... 161
sewage disposal .............. 131
Special Tax Areas......129, 130, 131
taxable basis ................ 256
water supply ................. 131
zoning .................... 129, 130
Montgomery County General
Hospital ................ 240, 241
Montgomery Junior College........ 542
Montgomery State Game Farm ..... 83
Montrose School for Girls......... 76
Morgan State College ........... 65, 542
Mortgages, microfilming ........... 113
Motion Picture Censors,
State Board of ............. 44
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax........... 31
Motor Vehicle Revenue Fund. . . .166, 109
Motor Vehicles, Department of..... 108
Mt. Nebo State Forest ........... 13, 86
Mt. Pleasant Sanatorium .......240, 241
Mt. St. Agnes College ............. 542
Mt. St. Joseph College............ 542
Mt. St. Mary's College............ 542
Mount Wilson State Hospital...... 23, 70
Moving Picture Machine Operators,
Board of Examiners of . . . .117, 126
Moving Picture Operators' Union... 126
Municipal Museum ............... 301
Municipal and Zoning Appeals,
Board of .................. 301
Mutual Savings Banks of Baltimore,
Associated ................. 40
Name and Origin of Counties...... 520
National Association of Chiropodists. 125
National Board of Medical
Examiners ................. 119
National Capital Park and Planning
Commission, Maryland ....... 129
National Conference of Commissioners
on Uniform State Laws ...... 38
National Council of State Boards of
Engineering Examiners ...... 128
National Guard .................27, 99
National League of Nursing
Education ................. 123
National Resources, Board of..... 80, 91
Naval Academy, U. S.............. 22
Agricultural agents ........... 287
Colleges ........... 56, 57, 61, 62, 65
deaf, training ............. 237, 243
Home Demonstration Agents.... 288
mental defectives, training...... 79
mental hospital ............... 79
scholarships ...............66, 134
training schools .............. 75
tuberculosis hospital .......... 69
Negro Population, Governor's Com-
mission on Problems affecting. 76, 77
Newspapers of General Circulation . . 543
North Point, Battle of ............. 21
Notaries Public, Commissioned..... 27
Notre Dame, College of .......... . 542
Nursery, State Forest ............ 13 86
Nurses Association, Maryland
State ...................71, 123
Nurses, State Board of Examiners. . . 123
Nursing, Division of Public Health. . 68
Nursing Education, National League
of ........................ 323
Nursing Needs, survey of ......... 111
Nursing Schools, certification of.... 123
Ober Act
see Subversive Activities Act
Occupational Diseases, Medical Board
for ....................... 47
Officers, Historical List of ......... 483
Officers, State
appointment .................. 27
Commissions, recorded ......... 28
confirmation ................. 158
impeachment ................. 158
Officers of Local Government ...... 259
Off-Street Parking Commission, Balti-
more City ................. 301
Ohio Company ................... 19
Oil Resources, conservation ........ 89
Old Age Assistance ............... 73
Old Senate Chamber.............. 20
Old Treasury Building............. 112
Optometric Association, American . . . 124
Optometrists, Maryland Association
of ........................ 124
Optometry, Board of Examiners in, . 124