The State Tree
MARYLAND has chosen tor its tree the While Oak.
The magnificent specimen shown here is known as
the Wye Oak and is located at Wye Mills on the Eastern
Shore. It is now owned by the State (Chapter 731, Acts
of 1941.)
' *
Maryland State Song
THE Maryland State song, "Maryland, My Maryland,"
was written by a Marylander who was living in the
Confederacy during the War between the States. The air
is not original; the words reflect the bitter feeling follow-
ing the passage through Baltimore of Union troops in
1861 (Chapter 451, Acts of 1939).
Captain John Smith explores ,
coast of Maryland. ..................... .June; 1608
Charter of Maryland granted to
Second Lord Baltimore. ........... ^.'June 20, 16S2
The Ark and the Dove sail for "The Capes of the
Chesapeake Bay" .............. .November 22, 1633
The Ark and the Dove arrive at St. Clements;
(Blakistone) Island . .... ....:.,..,.. March 25, 1634
World's first law of,Religious Freedom passed .... 1649
Seat of government removed from St. Mary's to
Annapolis ........ . . ........................ 1694
King William's School founded at Annapolis. ..... 1696
..Baltimore-Town erected- ................. July 30, 1729
Mason/and Dixon begin survey of
Maryland boundary ....,.........;........... 1763
Peggy Stewart, laden with 2,000 pounds of
taxable tea, burned ............... .October 19, 1774
Formation of "Association of Freemen". .. .July 26, 1775
Maryland declares her independence ...... .July 3, 1776
First State Constitution adopted ....... .November, 1776
Washington College, Chestertown, chartered. ...... 1782
Annapolis becomes temporary
National Capital .............. .November 26, 1783
Washington Resigns commission in old Senate
Chamber, Annapolis ...... . . . . . .December 23, 1783
St. John's College, Annapolis, chartered .......... 1784
State Convention at Annapolis ratines Constitution
of the United States ............... .April 28, 1788
Maryland cedes District of Columbia to the
United States ...................... March 30, 1791
British repulsed at the Battle of
North Point .................. .September 12, 1814
Bombardment of Fort McHenry; Francis Scott Key
writes "The Star Spangled Banner". . .Sept. 12, 1814
Beginning of work on first railroad in America
(The Baltimore and Ohio) ........... .July 4, 1828
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal opened. October 17, 1829
First telegraph line in the world built between
Baltimore and Washington. .................. 1844
United States Naval Academy opened at
Annapolis .......................October 10, 1845
"Maryland, My Maryland" written by '
James Rvder Randall. .............. .April 23, 1861
Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg)..... September 17, 1862
Battle of Monocacy ....................... July 9, 1864
Prepared by the Hall of Records
Printed and distributed by the Maryland Department
of Information, Annapolis, Maryland
Flag, Seal, Song,
Flower, Bird and Tree
^LoLr. 1^. W^i.
Governor of Maryland