William E. Henry, Ed.D., President
Bowie Telephone: Bowie 2011
The State Teachers College at Bowie is the State-operated school
for preparing Negro elementary teachers. Originally established in
1867 as the Baltimore Normal School, a private institution, it was
purchased by the State in 1908 and moved to ifs present location.
The College offers a four-year teacher preparation course leading to
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education and a two-year Junior
college course leading to the degree of Associate in Arts. Students
taking the full four-year course pay no tuition if they promise to
teach in the public schools of Maryland upon graduation. The approxi-
mate enrollment for 1850-1951 was 206.
Expenditures Appropriation
1950 1951
General funds $183,442.28 $187,531.00
Special funds* 72,745.02 60,365.00
Total $256,187.30 $237,896.00
Staff: 25.
Miles W. Connor, Ph.D., President
Public School 32, Mount Street, Baltimore 17 Telephone Wilkins 3923
The State Teachers College at Baltimore (Coppin) was established
in 1900 by the Board of School Commissioners of Baltimore City and
operated by that body until the State assumed control in 1950. The
school provides a four-year curriculum for the training of Negro
elementary school teachers and grants the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Education. The enrollment of the school for the 1950-1951
term was 198.
Appropriation, 1951 $59,480.00
Staff: 12.
Lillian C. Compton, M.A., President
Frostburg Telephone: Frostburg 296
The State Teachers College at Frostburg was established in 1902
as a normal school to prepare elementary teachers for Western
Maryland schools; it became a full four-year college in 1932. The
College offers a standard four-year teachers college course leading
to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education as well as a two-
year junior college course. In addition, the College offers, in co-
operation with Memorial Hospital in Cumberland, a program in
nurses' training. Students enrolling in the teacher preparation pro-
gram pay no tuition, if they promise to teach two years in the public
schools of Maryland following their graduation. The approximate
enrollment for 1950-1951 was 436.
Expenditures Appropriation
1950 1951
General funds $211,157.76 $237,398.00
Special funds* 63,630.86 46,240.00
Total $274,788.62 $283,638.00
Staff: 32.
* Student fees.