WILLIAM C. DAVIS, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in Baltimore,
October 2, 1901. Attended the public schools of Baltimore City. Fore-
man. Married. Appointed to the House of Delegates in 1948.
THOMAS F. DEMPSEY, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in Hamilton,
Baltimore County, September 6, 1914. He attended St. Paul's School,
Baltimore; Calvert Hall; and the University of Baltimore, graduating
in 1938. Member of the Bar since 1941. Attorney. Member Legislative
Council. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1938.
MELVIN H. DERR, Republican, Frederick County; born at Walkers-
ville, Maryland, September 7, 1910. He attended the public schools of
Frederick County and the University of Maryland, graduating in
1931. Insurance agent. Member of the Headquarters Company, 2nd
Battalion, 258 Infantry, 63rd Infantry Division, U. S. Army, 1944-
1945, in European Theatre. June 1945-January 1946 assigned to In-
formation Center, U. S. F. E. T., Frankfurt, Germany. Member
Legislative Council. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in
CHARLES L. DOWNEY, Republican, Washington County; born at
Downsville, May 31, 1915. Attended public schools and the University
of Maryland, College of Agriculture, graduating 1938, B.S. degree.
Operates farm machinery business. Taught vocational agriculture.
Served 4 1/2 years World War II as Major with 102nd Infantry Divi-
sion, European theatre. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates
in 1950.
FRED B. DRISCOLL, Republican, Allegany County; born in Roanoke,
Virginia, September 20., 1895. Attended the public schools of Cum-
berland. Barber. Clerk, Board of Election Supervisors, Allegany
County, 1935-1939. Chairman Memorial Tree Committee, Cumberland
Sesqui centennial 1937. Member Cumberland Flood Control Com-
mittee, Masons, Maryland and D. C. Barbers Association, Moose.
Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950.
STEPHEN W. DUCKETT, Democrat, Anne Arundel County; born in
Davidsonville, June 29, 1904. Attended Davidsonville public school.
Owner of laundry and dry cleaning company and of frozen food
service. Bank president. Member of Masons, Shriners, Chamber of
Commerce, Southern Maryland Society. Married. Elected to the
House of Delegates in 1950.
JAMES J. DUFFY, (Resigned May 24, 1951), Democrat, Baltimore
1st; born in Baltimore, October 16, 1905. Employee of City of Balti-
more. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
ROLAND B. DUKE, Democrat, St. Mary's County; born in Washing-
ton, D. C., July 20, 1893. Attended St. Mary's Academy and Leonard
Hall. Merchant, contractor and builder. Past president, commissioners
of Leonardtown; member, Knights of Columbus, Lions, Chamber of
Commerce; president, Volunteer Fire Dept.; past president, Maryland
State Firemen's Association. Married. Elected to the House of Dele-
gates in 1950.
HARRY C. EDWARDS, Republican, Garrett County; born in Somerset
County, Pennsylvania, October 3, 1901. Attended public school in
Crellin. Insurance agent. Member of Rotary, Knights of Pythias,
Woodmen, past president, Grantsville Town Council. Married. Mem-
ber of the House of Delegates 1935-1939, reelected in 1950.