of the City Council of Snow Hill, Mayor of Snow Hill and as Director
of Civilian Defense for Worcester County during World War II.
Married. Elected to the Senate in 1950.
OMAR D. CROTHERS, JR., Democrat, Cecil County; born in Elkton,
March 7, 1909. Attended the public schools of Elkton, the University
of Maryland, graduating in 1929, and the University of Maryland
Law School, graduating in 1933. Attorney. Member of the Maryland
Bar. He served as Chairman of the State Board of Correction, August
1946-May 1947; member Board of Directors Elkton Banking and
Trust Company. Served as Captain, First Division, U. S. Marine
Corps Reserve, 1942-1946, receiving the Bronze Star. Member Legis-
lative Council. Married. Elected to the Senate in 1950.
GEORGE W. DELLA, President of the Senate, Democrat, Baltimore
6th; born in Baltimore, February 9, 1908, attending the public schools
of that City and Baltimore City College, graduating 1927. Received
B.B.A. degree from the University of Baltimore, 1932; graduated
from. University of Baltimore Law School in. 1935 and was admitted
to the Bar in 1936. Attorney. Chairman, Insurance and Loans Com-
mittee, 1945 and 1947; chairman, Judicial Proceedings Committee,
1949 and 1950. Married. Appointed to the Senate in 1939. He was
elected President of the Senate in 1951.
FRANCIS X. DIPPEL, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in Baltimore,
November 23, 1916. He attended St. Patrick's School, Calvert Hall,
the University of Maryland, graduating in 1939; attended Maryland
School of Medicine, 1939-1940; LL.B. from the University of Balti-
more 1946. Attorney. Married. Member House of Delegates 1946-
1950. Elected to the Senate in 1950.
JOHN RAYMOND FLETCHER, Republican, Prince George's County;
born in Washington, D. C., July 25, 1900. Attended public and private
schools of the District of Columbia, the George Washington Univer-
sity and National University, graduating in 1929. Attorney. Member
of the Maryland and District of Columbia Bars. Mayor of Cheverly
1938-1945 and member of the Rationing Board, OPA, Prince George's
County, during World War II. Former President Kiwanis Club of
Prince George's County, member Masons. Married. Elected to the
Senate in 1950.
NEIL C. FRALEY, Republican, Garrett County; born at Oakland,
Maryland, April 18, 1894. Attended the public schools of Oakland and
the University of Maryland Law School. Admitted to the Bar in
1931. Currently engaged in the practice of law. Served in the U. S.
Army in 1918. State's Attorney for Garrett County 1935-1947. Attor-
ney to the Board of County Commissioners since 1947. Married.
Appointed to the Senate in 1949.
LOUIS L. GOLDSTEIN, Democrat, Calvert County; born in Prince
Frederick, March 14, 1913. He attended the Calvert County public
schools and Washington College, Chestertown, graduating in 1935,
and the University of Maryland Law School. Admitted to the Bar
1940. During World War II he served with the United States Marine
Corps (1942-1946) in the Philippine and Asiatic Theatres, enlisting
as a private, he was discharged as a first lieutenant. He is a Com-
missioner from Maryland on the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries
Commission. Married. He was a member of the House of Delegates
1938-1942. Majority leader of the Senate, Member Legislative Council.
Elected to the Senate in 1946.