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Maryland Manual, 1951-52
Volume 164, Page 128   View pdf image (33K)
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Chairman: Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor
Vice Chairman: D. Lindley Sloan

Hall Hammond, Attorney General; George W. Della, Presi-
dent of the Senate; John C. Luber, Speaker of the House of
Delegates; Robert B. Kimble, Senate Minority Leader; Anders
R. Lofstrand, Jr., House Minority Leader; C. Arthur Eby.

John R. Reeves, Secretary of State, Secretary to the Commission
State House, Annapolis Telephone: Annapolis 2666

The State War Ballot Commission was created by the special ses-
sion of the General Assembly held July 27, 1950, at which time the
State's wartime Absentee Voting Law was re-enacted. The Commis-
sion is composed of the Governor, the Secretary of State, the Attorney
General, the presiding officer of each House of the General Assembly,
the Minority Leader of each House of the General Assembly, ex-officio,
and two persons, who are not members of the same political party,
appointed by the Governor. The Commission is responsible for the
administration of the Absentee Voting Law. To carry out the provi-
sions of the law, the Commission may make necessary rules and
regulations and provide assistance to the local election boards as
required. The expenses of the Commission are defrayed from funds
controlled by the Board of Public Works (Acts 1960, sp. sess., Ch. 3).

C. L. Mobley, 1954; Fortune Odend'hall, 1954; Walter Byron Stehl, 1954.

The Washington Cemetery Trustees were chartered in 1870 by the
General Assembly. The three trustees are appointed by the Governor
for a term of three years. The trustees are responsible for the main-
tenance of Washington Cemetery, Hagerstown, where the Confederate
dead of the battles of Antietam and South Mountain are interred
(Acts 1870, Ch. 213).


Chairman: Simon E. Sobeloff

Charles M. Bandiere, Roger Howell, Henry P. Irr, J.
Howard Johnson, David Kauffman, James A. Newell, Reuben
Oppenheimer, F. Neal Parke, Enos S. Stockbridge, J. Theodore
Wolfe, Abel Wolman.
Carl B. Swisher, Director of Research
Elwyn A. Mauck, Staff Director

Consultants: James V. Bennett, Herbert Fallin, Horace E.
Flack, Malcolm Moos.

34 Hopkins Place, Baltimore 1 Telephone: Lexington 0366


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Maryland Manual, 1951-52
Volume 164, Page 128   View pdf image (33K)
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