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Maryland Manual, 1951-52
Volume 164, Page 126   View pdf image (33K)
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Budget and Procurement, and the Chairman of the Maryland State
Planning Commission; and two other administrative officials appoint-
ed by the Governor; (2) The Senate Committee, and (3) The House
Committee, both of which are regular standing committees of the two
branches of the General Assembly.

It is the function of this Commission to carry forward the partici-
pation of the State as a member of the Council of State Governments,
to encourage and assist the legislative, executive, administrative and
judicial officials and employees of this State to develop and maintain
friendly contact with officials and employees of the other States, of
the Federal government and of local units of government; to en-
deavor to advance cooperation between this State and other units of
government, whenever it seems advisable, formulating proposals
for, and facilitating the adoption of compacts, the enactment of
uniform or reciprocal statutes or administrative rules or regula-
tions, the cooperation of governmental officials and officers with one
another and to take such other steps as it may deem advisable to as-
sist in bringing the various governments in the United States into
closer contact, and in developing the Council of State Governments
for this purpose. The Commission is authorized to establish such
delegations and committees as it deems advisable, for the purpose of
conferring and formulating proposals concerning effective means to
secure intergovernmental harmony and is required by the creating
act to report to the Governor and to the Legislature within fifteen
days after the convening of each regular session and at. other times
deemed appropriate (Code 1939, Art. 40, secs. 16-22).

Expenditures, 1950 $6,000.00
Appropriation, 1951 6,000.00
Staff: None


Commissioners from the State of Maryland: Arthur H.
Brice, Chairman, Commission of Tidewater Fisheries; Louis
L. Goldstein, Member of the State Senate; Appointed by the
Governor: Carl Veach, 1953.
Wayne D. Heydecker, Secretary-Treasurer

415 Lexington Ave., N. Y. 17, N. Y. Telephone: Murray Hill 2-0912

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is an outgrowth
of the "Eastern Seaboard Conservation Conferences" begun in 1937.
A compact was drawn up and ratified by seven states, including Mary-
land, in 1941. This compact which was approved by the United States
Congress and signed by the President in 1942 is the legal basis of the
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission which today has a
membership of fifteen Eastern Seaboard States.

Each State is represented by three Commissioners, one of whom
must be the chairman or director of the fisheries management
agency, one a legislator and a member of the Interstate Cooperation
Committee; and the third selected by the Governor. The Commission
acts in an advisory capacity only, aiding in the development of (1)
uniform marine fisheries conservation laws; (2) adequate statistical
programs regarding tidal and ocean fisheries; (3) a marine fisheries
educational program, and (4) fisheries management, and stabilization
programs. To accomplish these ends, the Commission usually meets


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Maryland Manual, 1951-52
Volume 164, Page 126   View pdf image (33K)
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