Colonel Carey Jarman, Superintendent, 1951
Major Buxton M. Eidgely, Executive Officer
Captain Andrew T. Conner, Administrative Officer
Captain William H. Weber, Field Force Commander
Captain George E. Davidson, Chief, Bureau of Criminal
Identification and Statistics
Captain Wilbour H. Conroy, Director of Training
Howard M. Bubert, M.D., Medical Director
Pikesville Armory, Pikesville 8 Telephone: Mohawk 3701
Pikesville 101
The Department of State Police was established in 1985. The De-
partment is under the direction of the Superintendent who is appointed
by the Governor for a term of four years. The Maryland State
Police are responsible for the enforcement of the criminal and motor
vehicle laws of the State. The Police have jurisdiction in all parts
of the State except within the limits of any incorporated municipality
which maintains a police force, save (1) when in pursuit of sea
offender or suspected offender; (2) in search of an offender or suspect
wanted for a crime committed in another jurisdiction; (3) -when
seeking to interview a witness to a crime; (4) when requested by
the chief executive officer or the chief police officer of the municipality,
or when ordered by the Governor; or (5) when enforcing the motor
vehicle laws of the State (Code 1947, Supp. Art. 88B, sees. 3, 21, 24).
To aid in the carrying on of its work, the Department operates a
Bureau of Criminal Identification and Statistics. The Bureau main-
tains fingerprint and photograph files and cooperates -with the Federal
Bureau of Investigation and the police forces of other jurisdictions
in the exchange of information relating to the identification of of-
fenders or suspects. The General Assembly in 1941 authorized the
establishment of the Traffic Collision Statistical Bureau. This Bureau
receives reports of accidents from the various local police departments
throughout the State, tabulating and analyzing such reports and
preparing a monthly summary and analysis of all accidents which
is published in cooperation with the Maryland Traffic Safety Com-
mission, A Traffic Staff has been organized within the Department
for the purpose of promoting traffic safety and traffic safety educa-
tional programs. The members of the staff speak before civic groups
and organizations and plan to build a library of motion pictures and
related visual aids to augment its works (Code 1947 Supp., Art. 88B,
sees. 40-45).
The Communication Bureau, established in 1935, provides radio
and teletype communication service with the various police barracks
throughout the State. It is a unit in a teletype network covering
fourteen States and the District of Columbia. The Bureau also pro-
vides radio communication service to the patrol boats of the Depart-
ment of Tidewater Fisheries. Through the Communication service
the latest weather forecasts are transmitted to the local barracks
for dispatch to County Agricultural Agents; such reports are also
transmitted to the District headquarters of the State Roads Commis-
sion. The Department provides ambulance service to rural areas as
well as emergency service in the case of accidents. It maintains ten
ambulances throughout the State for this purpose. A Training School