State Department of Health. (To be used for martch-
ing purposes according to the Maryland Plan for
Services tor Crippled Children, approved by the
Children's Bureau of the Federal Government. In
the event Federal Funds are withdrawn, the State
appropriation is to be allotted directly to the
Kernan's Hospital and School for Crippled Chil-
dren and the Children's Hospital School on an
equal basis for hospitalizatlon of crippled chil-
City ............................................
Maryland School for the Blind......................
Maryland Workshop tor the Blind...................
Note: The appropriations for the School for the
Blind and the Workshop for the Blind are to be
disbursed by the Treasury Department (to the
respective institutions) on transmittals from the
State Department of Education, in accordance
with regulations prescribed by the said State De-
partment of Education. Any part of this appro-
priation, by consent of both parties, may be used
for matching purposes in the event Federal Funds
are available.
Star-Spangled Banner Flag House Association.......
Peninsula Horticultural Society.....................
Cardinal Gibbons Institute. (To be expended subject
to the approval of the Board of Public "Works.) ..
State Department of Health tor payments to Balti-
more City and County Hospitals for outpatient de-
partment services to medically Indigent persons for
the period July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950............
Of the amount of $349,648 hereby appropriated,
$267,235 or any portion thereof is to be made avail-
able for payment for services to Baltimore City
patients contingent upon the amount made available
by Baltimore City for the same purpose and period
on an equal matching basis, and the amount of
$82,413, or any portion thereof, is to be made avail-
able tor payment for services to county patients
contingent upon the amount made available by the
Counties of the State tor the same purpose and
period on an equal matching basis.
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