in 1930; graduated from Harvard Law School, 1933. Attorney, mem-
ber of the Maryland and District of Columbia Bars. He served with
the 17th Air Depot Group, AAF, in European, Asiatic, and Middle
Eastern Theatres, entering as 1st Lieutenant and discharged ag
Major, 1942-1945; He was Secretary Chevy Chase Village, 1939-1941.
Member Board of Trustees Surburban Hospital, Bethesda; Mont-
gomery County Planning Committee. Married. Elected to the House
of Delegates in 1946.
GEORGE E. CODDINGTON, Republican, Garrett County; born at
Oakland, Maryland, December 25, 1899. He attended the public
schools of Garrett County. Chauffeur for the State Roads Commis-
sion. He served for four years as Sheriff of Garrett County. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
NOEL SPEIK COOK, Republican, Allegany County; born at Frostburg,
Maryland, November 13, 1905. He attended the public schools at
Frostburg, the Frostburg State Teachers College, and the Law School
of the University of Maryland, graduating in 1930 and admitted to
the Bar the same year. Member Phi Kappa Sigma. Attorney. City
Attorney for Lonaconing, Maryland, four years. Married. Elected to
the House of Delegates in 1946.
R. VERNON COOKSEY, Republican, Charles County; born at Mt.
Victoria, Maryland, April 29, 1898. He attended the public schools of
Charles County. Merchant. He has served as Sheriff of Charles
County, 1930-1934, 1938-1942; State Senator, 1934-1938. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
JOSEPH A. CURRY, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in Baltimore,
September 19, 1905. He attended Our Lady of Good Counsel School,
Longshoreman. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
WILLIAM C. DAVIS, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in Baltimore
October 2, 1901. Attended the public schools of Baltimore City. Fore-
man. Married. Appointed to the House of Delegates in 1948.
THOMAS F. DEMPSEY, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born in Hamilton,
Baltimore County, September 6, 1914. He attended St. Paul's School,
Baltimore; Calvert Hall; and the University of Baltimore, graduating
in 1938. Member of the Bar since 1941. Practicing Attorney. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegagtes in 1938.
RILLIE P. DENNIS, Democrat, Worcester; born at Berlin, Mary-
land, October 30, 1882. Farmer. Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1942.
JAMES J. DERAN, JR., Democrat, Harford County; born at Clover
Lick, West Virginia, October 5, 1906. He attended public schools in
West Virginia and Maryland and the University of Maryland, gradu-.
ating in 1928. He is engaged in the real estate and insurance busi-
ness. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1942.
MELVIN H. DERR, Republican, Frederick County; born at Walkers-
ville, Maryland, September 7, 1910. He attended the public schools of
Frederick County and the University of Maryland, graduating in
1931. Insurance agent. Member of the Headquarters Company, 2nd
Battalion, 253 Infantry, 63rd Infantry Division, U. S. Army, 1944-
1945, in European Theatre. June 1946-January 1946 assigned to In-
formation Center, U. S. F. E. T., Frankfurt, Germany. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.