staff of Congressman Edward A. Garmatz. From 1944 to 1945 he
served in the Asiatic-Pacific Theatres with the United States Navy
•with rank of Petty Officer 3/c. Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1946.
MYRON L. BLOOM, Democrat, Washington County; bom at Tilgh-
manton, Maryland, August 16, 1896. He attended the public schools
of Washington County and Western Maryland College, Westminster.
He is a grain dealer and former school Principal at Downsville. Post-
master of St. James, Maryland 1926-1943. Trustee of Ashland Col-
lege, Ashland, Ohio. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in
A. GORDON BOONE, Democrat, Baltimore County; born in Balti-
more County, December 2, 1910. He attended public school in Balti-
more, the Jacob Tome Institute at Port Deposit, and The Johns Hop-
kins University, graduating in 1934. Attorney, admitted to the Bar in
1937, President, Baltimore Bar Association. Counsel to the Baltimore
County Welfare Board, 1940-1942. From 1942-1945, he served with
the Amphibious Forces, U. S. Naval Reserve as Lieutenant Com-
mander. Unmarried. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
D. FLOYD BRINSPIELD, Democrat, Dorchester County; born at Vien-
na, Maryland, January 18, 1895. He attended the public schools at
Vienna. Farmer. He served with the 79th Division, 310th Machine
Gun Battalion, from 1917-1918. Former Mayor of Eldorado. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1935.
J. RAYMOND BUFFINGTON, JR., Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born at
Baltimore, May 23, 1911. He attended Baltimore City College; Wil-
liam and Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia; and American
University at Washington, D. C., from which he graduated in 1933.
He is in the wholesale foods business. President of Baltimore Butter
and Egg Exchange. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in
T. RAYMOND BURCH, Democrat, Prince George's County; born at
Berwyn Heights, Maryland, March 21, 1894. He attended the public
schools of Prince George's County and the District of Columbia;
Temple Business College, Washington; and the University of Mary-
land. Engaged in real estate and insurance business. He was Post-
master of Berwyn, 1934-1946. Past President, Prince George's County
Real Estate Board; President, Pr. Geo. County Assoc. Preservation of
American Ideals. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
L. EDWIN CARR, Democrat, Howard County; born at Guilford,
Maryland, July 5, 1893. He attended public school in Guilford. Con-
tractor and builder. He served in the U. S. Army during World
War I. He was Deputy Sheriff of Howard County 1926-1930; Con-
stable in Howard County, 1930-1942, Sheriff of Howard County
1942-1946. Unmarried. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
JOHN W. CHAIRES, Democrat, Talbot County; born January 30,
1892. He attended the Queen Anne's and Talbot County Public
Schools. He is an agricultural implement dealer. Unmarried. Mem-
ber of the House of Delegates 1939-1941, 1946..
R. DUNCAN CLARK, Republican, Montgomery County; born in
Washington, D. C., July 22, 1908. He attended the public schools of
the District of Columbia and the University of Maryland, graduating