President: Sol Levinson, 1951
J. Willis Wells, Vice-President, 1951; Martin J. Dippel,
Treasurer, 1951; Charles E. Delosier, Secretary, 1951; Jerome
C. M. Cvach, 1951; Charles F. Evans, 1951; Edward L. Lilly,
State Office Building, Annapolis Telephone: Annapolis 4146
The State Board of Funeral Directors was established by the
General Assembly in 1902. The Governor, with the consent of the
Senate, appoints the seven members of the Board for a term of two
years. It is the duty of any person carrying on the business of
funeral directing and embalming in the State, to have his name
registered with the State Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers,
and to procure a license to carry on the business of funeral directing
and embalming. Licenses are renewed annually, and the Board has
the power to suspend or revoke any license. It is the duty of the Board
to make rules and regulations for the enforcement of provisions in
the laws regarding funeral directing and embalming. In general,
the laws deal with qualifications and examinations of all applicants
for license and registration. Examinations are held annually in Bal-
timore City (Code 1939, 1947 Supp., Art. 43, sees. 328-345; Acts 1949,
Ch. 312).
Expenditures, 1949, Special Funds.................................$7,244.11
Appropriation, 1950, Special Funds.............................. 7,465.00
Staff: 2
President: T. Ellsworth Ragland, 1950
L. M. Kantner, Secretary-Treasurer, 1954, Charles S.
Austin, Jr., 1953; Robert J. Spittel, 1951; S. Earl Webster,
2411 N. Charles Street, Baltimore 18 Telephone: Belmont 4280
The Board of Pharmacy was created by an Act of the General
Assembly in 1902. The Governor appoints five members, one annually,
from a list of pharmacists submitted by the Maryland Pharmaceutical
Association. Two members must be residents of Baltimore City, and
two, residents of the counties of the State and one resident anywhere
within the State. This Board licenses pharmacists, by examination and
reciprocity, Issues permits for the operation of retail pharmacies, and
for the manufacture of drugs, medicines, toilet articles, dentifrices and
cosmetics. In cooperation with the State Department of Health, the
Board enforces the pharmacy and drug laws of the State.
The members of the Board of Pharmacy and duly authorized agents
of the Department of Health have the power to inspect any pharmacy
or other place where prescriptions, medicines, drugs, drug products
or domestic remedies are compounded or sold, and to inspect every
prescription, medicine, drug, drug product or domestic remedy exposed
for sale. Druggists and pharmacists are required to keep in their
places of business a suitable book or file in which to preserve for a
period of not less than five years every prescription compounded or
dispensed (Code 1939, 1947 Supp., Art. 43, sees. 247-258).
Expenditures, 1949, Special Funds.................................$2,192.93
Appropriation, 1950, Special Funds................................. 3,640.00
Staff: 1