of the State until 1898, when the State Board of Law Examiners was
created. The Board is composed of three members appointed by the
Judges of the Court of Appeals. It is the duty of the Board to examine
all persons wishing to practice law in the State. These examinations
are given twice yearly in the City of Baltimore during the months of
March and July. The Board also passes upon the petitions of attorneys
from other states and territories desiring admittance to the Maryland
Bar in accordance with rule fourteen of the Board. Appeals from the
findings and recommendations of the Character Committees of the
various counties and the City of Baltimore are passed upon by the
State Board. In addition to these powers, the Board accredits univer-
sities and colleges in the State of Maryland for pre-legal training and
prescribes the necessary courses of study for law students. Students
expecting to study law in anticipation of practicing in Maryland must
register their intentions with the Board. While the rules of the Board
are formulated by the Court of Appeals, the Board has the right to
prescribe such rules as may be necessary for the conduct" of examina-
tions, providing such rules do not conflict with those made by the
Court (Code 1947, Supp., Art. 10, sees. 2-4).
Expenditures, 1949, Special Funds...............................$13,093.07
Appropriation, 1950, Special Funds.............................. 12,550.00
Staff: 1
Chairman: Edward J. Stegman, 1952, C. P. A.
George H. Bald, 1950, C. P. A.; W. Frank Every, 1951
Attorney at Law; W. 0. Weyforth, 1951, Economist.
J. Wallace Bryan, C.P.A., 1951, Secretary-Treasurer
1101 Mercantile Trust Bidg., Baltimore 2 Telephone: Saratoga 8200
The Governor appoints three Certified Public Accountants (one
each year) for terms of three years each, together with one attorney
at law for a term of two years, and one economist (selected from a
list of three names submitted by the President of the Johns Hopkins
University) for a term of two years (Code 1939, Art. 75A, sees. 2-7).
The duties of this Board are to examine applicants for certificates
as Certified Public Accountants, and to pass on applications by Certi-
fied Public Accountants of other States for special certificates of
registration (commonly called "reciprocal certificates") entitling the
holders to practice as Certified Public Accountants in Maryland.
Examinations are held in November of each year. Those persons
who pass the examinations, or whose applications for reciprocal cer-
tificates are approved, are recommended by the Board to the Governor
who issues certificates to them. The Governor may for sufficient
cause revoke any such certificate, after notice to the holder and a
reasonable opportunity for a hearing.
Expenditures, 1949, Special Funds.............................$ll,754.78
Appropriation, 1950, Special Funds............................. 8,570.00
Staff: 2