Population—1,821,244; 28th state in rank (1940 U. S. Census)..
Area—10,677 square miles (9,887 land, 690 inland water) ; 41st state
in size (U. S. Census)..
Geophysics—Maryland is divided into three chief regions: Appala-
chian area, Piedmont Plateau, and Coastal Plain. First is moun-
tainous, Great Backbone Mountain, Garrett County, highest peak—
3,340 feet. Piedmont Plateau is rich agricultural hilly land. Coastal
Plain includes south and east of "Fall Line," so-called for frequency
of waterfalls. Land drops to near sea level in Coastal Plain..
Chesapeake Bay—State's chief body of water, 180 miles long, 3 to 30
miles wide, greater producer of sea food than any comparable area..
Chief Rivers—Potomac, Susquehanna, Choptank, Nanticoke, Elk,
Patapsco, Sassafras, Magothy, Severn, Gunpowder, Bush, Miles,
and Chester..
Water frontage—Baltimore harbor about 40 miles; Chesapeake Bay
and estuaries, 3,600 miles. Chesapeake and Delaware Canal fur-
nishes an inland route to the sea capable of handling moat merchant
Forest area—2,280,000 acres, about one-third state's land surface.
Estimated value (1942) $50,000,000. State forests—Cedarville 3,510
acres; Doncaster 1,464; Elk Neck 3,762; Green Ridge 25,451; Poco-
moke 12,377; Potomac 12,067; Savage River 51,517; and Swallow
Falls 7,133..
State parks—Elk Neck 995 acres; Fort Frederick 279; Gambrill
1,088; Patapsco 1,582; Washington Monument 96; Wye Oak 1.5;
Gathland 101..
Industries—Most important.: iron, steel, transportation equipment,
food and kindred products, clothing, chemicals and allied products,
electrical and other machinery, printing and publishing..
Agriculture— Total product value (1946) $207,000,000. Broilers most
important. Others, in order of importance: milk, vegetables, live-
stock, corn, tobacco, wheat, and fruit. Maryland leads all states in
tomato canning..
Seafood—Production: oysters, 2,157,838 bushels (1946-47 season);
crabs, 2,509,320 pounds, softshell (number) 7,760,490, "peelers"
(number) 11,543,068 (1947); finfish—striped bass (rock), 1,556,-
703 pounds; croaker, 2,215,482 pounds; shad, 716,384 pounds; gray
trout, 1,863,631 pounds; alewives, 3,497,337 pounds; white perch,
655,270 pounds (1946)..
Mine outpost—coal, 2,049,996 tons; fire clay, 202,054 tons (1947)..
Baltimore's port—stood first in exports in 1947, handling 13,624,204
tons. In import tonnage it was second to New York..
Cities—(over 10,000 population) Baltimore 895,100; Cumberland 39,-
483; Hagerstown 32,491; Frederick 15,802; Salisbury 13,313; An-
napolis 13,069; Cambridge 10,102 (1940 census)..