Swallow Falls, and New Germany, on the Savage River, have re-
ceived intensive public use.
In like manner, the Department is charged with the administra-
tion and development of seven State Parks, with a total area of 4,110
acres. In normal times, these are visited by a total of some 466,000
persons annually.
Still another responsibility of the Department is the protection of
approximately 3,000,000 trees along Maryland's public highways.
To this end, it employs a force of highly trained wardens to super-
vise tree trimming operations by public utility companies along
their pole-line rights-of-way.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Telephone: UNiversity 0771
Chapter 508—Acts of 1941.
Dr. Joseph T. Singewald....Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore 18
Name Term Expires Postoffice
Arthur B. Stewart................1947.......................................Baltimore
Holmes D. Baker...............-1946..........................-Frederick
Harry R. Hall...............1945...................Hyattsville
Mervin A. Pentz ............1948............... ....... Denton
Joseph C. Lore, Jr..............1949-.......... Solomon's Island
The Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources is hereby
created, to supersede the present State Geological and Economic
Survey Advisory Commission, the Bureau of Mines, the Water Front
Commission, and the Water Resources Commission, and take over all
the personnel powers and duties exercised by those agencies. The
Department shall be under the direction of a Commission which shall
consist of five members appointed by the Governor from among the
citizens of the State, with character and ability and active interest
in the proper development, use and conservation of such resources.
The members shall select their own Chairman. Their term of office
shall be five years from June 1, 1941, but of those first appointed
one shall serve for one year, one for two years, one for three years,
one for four years, and one for five years. The members shall receive
no compensation for their services.
The present State Geologist shall become Director of the Depart-
ment, but upon his death, removal or resignation the Director shall be
appointed by the Commission in accordance with the Merit System.
The Commission shall exercise general supervision over all matters
pertaining to:
The conduct of topographic, peologic, hydrographic, and magnetic
The preparation of topographic, geologic and other types of maps to
meet specific needs.
The preparation of reports on the extent and character of the
State's mineral and water resources.