State Office Building, Annapolis, Maryland
Telephone: 2329
Joseph F. Kaylor, State Forester.
Karl E. Pfeiffer, Assistant State Forester, Timber Management.
H. C. Buckingham, Assistant State Forester, Fire Control.
G. A. Markline, Acting Supervising Tree Warden.
Wm. H. Johnson, District Forester...........................Cumberland
Brook Bodkin, Senior Forest Supervisor......................Keyser, W. Va.
Herman D. Toms, Senior Forest Supervisor................Rt. 6, Frederick
Elmer H. Uphole, Senior Forest Supervisor......................Oakland
M. E. Martin, Superintendent, Savage River Forest.........Grantsville
John O'Haver, Act. Superintendent, Swallow Falls Forest— ...Oakand
Cecil Z. Ramsey, Superintendent, Potomac Forest.............Deer Park
Robt. I. Palmer, Supt., Washington Monument Park.........Middletown
Edward C. Whyte, Superintendent Ft. Frederick Park........Big Pool
............. —, District Forester ........... Laurel
Henry W. Schlosser, Jr., Senior Forest Supervisor..............Laurel
Urner Wigfield, Senior Forest Supervisor— ............ LaPlata
E. W. Brickerd, Act. Superintendent, Cedarville Forest...Brandywine
D. O. Prince, Superintendent, Patapsco Park...............Ilchester
...................., District Forester— ............... Salisbury
Robert G. Dennis, Senior Forest Supervisor..............Snow Hill
William E. Seeders, Senior Forest Supervisor....East New Market
Adna R. Bond, District Forester..... .............. Bel Air
Paul H. Seward, Senior Forest Supervisor— ....... ....Aberdeen
Charles W. Bayles, Senior Forest Supervisor........Principio Furnace
Roy 1. Armour, Superintendent, Elk Neck Park............North East
Under the law, the Department is charged with the administra-
tion of the Forest Conservancy Districts Act, designed to ensure the
practice of forestry on privately owned timberlands throughout the
State, and its district foresters serve as executive officers and secre-
taries of local forestry boards. To woodland owners who plan to dis-
pose of their timber, it offers a free marking service to yield maximum
returns in sawtimber and other forest products, with due provision
made for sustained yield of successive timber crops.
Not least of the responsibilities imposed upon the Department
by law is the protection from fire of the State's 2,546,000 acres of
woodland, whether in public or private ownership. To carry out this
assignment, it maintains a specially trained, adequately equipped
fire control force supplemented by from 600 to 700 forest wardens,
commissioned by the Governor.
Also included among the Department's activities is the adminis-
tration of the State Forests, of which at present there are nine, with
a total area of 117,392 acres. These serve as demonstration areas in
forest management. Recreational areas developed by the Department
on several of the State Forests, notably, Harrington Manor, on the