Miss Helen L. Fisk, R.N., B.S.. C.N.M. Her duties include devel-
opment of the Public Health Nursing Program; direction and guid-
ance of Public Health Nurses, recruitment of nursing personnel and
correlation of the Nursing Program of the Department with other
Public Health Nursing Services.
Public Health Education activities are performed in the Executive
Office, and include assembling and distributing information on health
promotion and disease prevention; preparing bulletins in popular
form for press purposes, with special reference to use in the counties;
preparing circulars and arranging reports and other printed matter
bearing upon the work of the Department.
In addition to the Executive Office, the Department consists of
the following bureaus and divisions, the duties of which are de-
scribed below:
The Bureau of Vital Statistics registers and makes statistical
studies of all births and deaths, marriages, and divorces occurring in
Maryland; licenses and registers midwives and regulates the trans-
portation of the dead. It also maintains a service for issuing certi-
fied copies of certificates of births and deaths. On registration of
births, certificates are sent to parents of all children born in the
counties of Maryland and cards certifying to the date of birth are
furnished for entrance to school and for work permits.
Arthur W. Hedrich, Sc.D., Chief, Baltimore.
The Bureau of Communicable Diseases receives daily reports from
Health Officers of communicable diseases; investigates outbreaks of
diseases and directs measures for their control; enforces the laws on
the notification of reportable diseases and the smallpox vaccination
law; aids in maintaining tuberculosis clinics and keeps a separate and
confidential record of all cases of tuberculosis and of venereal
diseases; maintains veneral disease clinics, directs medical inspec-
tion of public schools and investigates nuisances. The Division of
Epidemiology and the Pasteur Division are under this Bureau.
C. H. Halliday, M.D., Epidemiologist, investigates the occurrence,
distribution and type of communicable diseases in individuals and
communities in the counties of Maryland, in order that measures for
the control of such diseases may be instituted. The Division studies
the sources and routes( of infection, assists local health authorities
or family physicians in the diagnosis of communicable diseases, assists
in finding unrecognized or unreported cases and advises in regard
to the proper method for the collection of laboratory specimens.
C. W. G. Rohrer, M.D., Ph.D., Diagnostician, aids in the diagnosis
of communicable diseases, notably those of the exanthematous group.
He acts in an advisory capacity to medical inspectors and other physi-
cians in matters pertaining to the prevention and further spread of
such diseases. He is in charge of the Pasteur Division and admin-
isters the Pasteur treatment.
C. H. Halliday, Assistant Director of Health, and Chief of the
Bureau of Communicable Diseases, Baltimore.
The Bureau of Bacteriology assists physicians and health officers
in the diagnosis and prevention of communicable diseases; assists in
the prevention of maternal mortality by the examination of urine
specimens from prenatal cases; determines the bacterial quality of
drinking water, milk and other foods.
The Central Laboratory is located at 2411 North Charles Street,
Baltimore City, with Branch Laboratories at Cumberland, Hurlock,
Frederick, Hagerstown and Rockville.