Ex-Officio Members:
Robert H. Riley, M.D.. Dr.P.H., Director, Baltimore
Huntington Williams, M.D.. Dr.P.H., Commissioner of Health
of Baltimore City
The State Board of Health consists of eight members, six ap-
pointed by the Governor; two, the Director of Health, and the Com-
missioner of Health of Baltimore City are ex-officio members. The
State law requires that of the eight members of the Board three shall
be physicians, one a civil engineer, one a certified pharmacist and
one an experienced doctor of dental surgery, all to be appointed
by the Governor, the remaining members to be the Director of Health,
and the Commissioner of Health of Baltimore City. The Director of
Health, who shall be an experienced physician, skilled in public health
and hygiene, holds office as long as he performs his duties in a compe-
tent manner. His successor is appointed by the Board. The Gov-
ernor's appointees serve for a term of six years each.
Dr. Robert H. Riley is Chairman of the Board and Director of
Health. He is the Executive Officer of the State Department of
Health. He is represented in the field by the Deputy State Health
Officers, one in each Sanitary District. Division of the State into ten
Sanitary Districts, each consisting of two or three counties, and each
in charge of a full-time Deputy State Health Officer, was made in
1914, in accordance with the law enacted that year. Increased func-
tions made it necessary to decrease the territory covered, and the
County Health Department Law enacted in 1922 opened the way for
full-time departments in individual counties. A third law passed in
1931, changed the number of Sanitary Districts from ten to twenty-
three, corresponding to the number of Counties, and gave the neces-
sary sanction for State-wide full-time County health service. Since
1934, there has been full-time health service in every county in the
The County Health Officers are designated as Deputy State Health
Officers. Through them the Director of Health exercises supervision
over all matters affecting public health in the counties of Maryland.
In the Executive Office are five divisions, Industrial Health, Legal
Administration, Oral Hygiene, Personnel and Accounts.
Mr. J. Davis Donovan, LL.B., is Chief of the Division of Legal
Administration. His duties include the investigation of all infractions
of public health laws and representation of the Department in court
in cases of prosecution of violations of such laws.
Richard C. Leonard, D.D.S., is chief of the Division of Oral Hygiene.
His duties include the organization and supervision of county
school dental clinics wherein preschool and school children are ex-
amined and either referred to a family dentist, or, in the case of
indigent children, given free care. Educational work on the impor-
tance and maintenance of mouth health is carried on through lectures,
clinics, moving pictures and pamphlets distributed through the Di-
Wm. F. Reindollar, Sc.D., Acting Chief of the Division of Indus-
trial Health. His duties includes the enforcement of the provisions
of the Workmen's Compensation Law for the prevention of occupa-
tional disease; visits plants to determine the extent and severity of
health hazards and makes recommendations for correction wherever
indicated; assists industry in organizing and improving the medical