the said counties. The said scholarships shall be awarded only after
competitive examinations supervised by the Board of School Com-
missioners of Baltimore City and the Boards of Education of the re-
spective Counties, but said examination questions shall be prepared
and papers graded by the College, and from the list of successful
applicants passing said examinations, and said list to be furnished
to the respective Senators by the College with the grade of each
Fred. G. Holloway, A.B.. B.D., D.D.. LL.D., President.
Carl Lawyer Schaeffer, A.B., B.S.E., Treasurer of the College and
Secretary of the Faculty.
Samuel Biggs Schofield, A.B., A.M., Dean of Administration and Pro-
fessor of Chemistry.
Lloyd Millard Bertholf, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty and
Professor of Biology.
Alvey Michael Isanogle, A.B., A.M., Ed.D., Dean of the School of
Education and Professor of Education.
Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's County
Telephone: Mechanicsville 48
Chapter 321 of the Acts of 1898 provides that Charlotte Hall School
shall grant one scholarship of board and tuition to each Legislative
District of the State. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter
241 of the Laws of 1933, in Baltimore City and the counties of Dor-
chester, Garrett, Allegany, Calvert, St. Mary's, Kent, and Queen
Anne's the scholarships are awarded by the State Senators with the
exception of three Counties.
Under the terms of Chapter 995 Acts of 1945, the Governor is
authorized to appoint ten members of the Board of Trustees of Char-
lotte Hall School so that the whole Board shall be composed of thirty
members. Ten from St. Mary's County, ten from Charles County
and the ten appointed by the Governor.
Name Term Expires Address
J. Frank Dent..........................1946 —...................Clinton
Colin F. Burch— ................1946— ......... .....Baltimore
A. Kingsley Love—.. ............. 1947— ............... Leonardtown
Eugene F. Hoopes, Jr..............-1947 ................ — Baltimore
Sen. Earl Bennett..................1948— ............ Cambridge
Murray L. Schuster... .............1948 ............ .....Baltimore
Dr. Fred B. Smith............1949 ............Baltimore
Wallace H. White................1949...................Salisbury
Rodman S. Coad................1950 ..................Washington
O. Frank Hopkins.... — .....1950.............. ...Annapolis
St. Mary's City, St. Mary's County
Telephone: Great Mills I
Chapter 190 of the Acts of 1839 established St. Mary's Female
Seminary on the spot where the first settlement in Maryland was
made—as a living memorial, that "the mothers of future generations,"
here educated, might keep alive and pass on the illustrious history of
their State.
Chapter 193 of the Acts of 1868 provides that there shall be one
free scholarship for each county and legislative district of Baltimore