George W. Keller (1112 Lexington Building) Rehabilitation Assistant
Merl D. Myers (1112 Lexington Building) Rehabilitation Assistant
Ruth F. Ring (1112 Lexington Building) Rehabilitation Assistant
Kenneth G. Stoner (1112 Lexington Building),
Rehabilitation Assistant
Emma E. Thomas (1112 Lexington Building) Medical Social Worker
Adelene Pratt (400 Cathedral Street),
State Director of Public Libraries
Bessie C. Stern (1107 Lexington Building),
Director of Bureau of Educational Measurements
Merle S. Bateman,
Director of Teacher Certification and Editor of Publications
Grace Steele Travers Principal Account Clerk No. 1
E. Sue Walter Clerk
Ruth E. Hobbs Stenographer-Secretary
Elizabeth McGinnity Stenographer-Secretary
C. Elizabeth Owings Stenographer-Secretary
Elsie F. Forman Stenographer-Secretary
Emman E. Lueckert (1112 Lexington Building),
Blanche E. Keen (1112 Lexington Building),
Principal Account Clerk No. 2
M. Eleanor Rice (1107 Lexington Building) Statistician No. 2
E. Drusilla Chairs Senior Stenographer
Carrye Hamburger .. Senior Stenographer
Ruth E. Timanus Senior Stenographer
Elaine Shipley (1112 Lexington Building) Senior Stenographer
Mary C. Wiskow (1107 Lexington Building) Senior Typist
Charlotte Sylvester (1112 Lexington Building) .. Senior Stenographer
Margaret Rogers (1112 Lexington Building) Senior Stenographer
State Teacher" Colleges
M. Theresa Wiedefeld, President State Teachers College, Towson 4
John L. Dunkle, President .. State Teachers College, Frostburg
J. D. Blackwell, President State Teachers College, Salisbury
William E. Henry, President,
State Teachers College (For Colored Youth), Bowie
Board of Trustees, Maryland Teachers' Retirement System
911 Lexington Building, Baltimore I, Maryland
Hooper S. Miles, Chairman .. State Treasurer
J. Millard Tawes State Comptroller
Thomas G. Pullen, Jr. State Superintendent of Schools
Edwin W. Broome, Vice-Chairman,
County Superintendent of Schools, Rockville
Althea Fuller School Principal, Cumberland
Thomas I. Hays .. Secretary
Helen N. Kirkman .. Senior Clerk
Minnie Hamilton Stenographer-Secretary
Marie Russell .. Junior Clerk
State Superintendent of Schools.
The State Superintendent of Schools is appointed by the State
Board of Education for a term of four years and is ex-officio secretary
and treasurer of the Board. He is the executive officer of the State
Board of Education, which, in addition to having general control of the
State School System, is charged with the duties of interpreting school
laws and acting without expense to the parties concerned in all contro-
versies and disputes involving the proper administration of the public
school system. He carries out the policies established by the State