board, the society of that classification only shall recommend not
more than three nominees. If a vacancy occurs in a classification with
two engineers on the board, each of the societies above mentioned
shall recommend not more than three nominees.
Each member of the board shall be a resident of this State and
shall have been engaged in the practice of professional engineering
for at least twelve (12) years, and shall have been in responsible
charge of important engineering work for at least five (B) years.
Chapter 981—Acts of 1943
Members Term Expires Postoffice
Henry P. Irr, Chairman.................1946............................Baltimore
E. Brooke Lee, Vice-Chairman......1945 .....................Silver Spring
August B. Haneke.......................1945..........................Baltimore
Glenn L. Martin.......................1946.......................Baltimore
Charles P. McCormick.............1946 ......................Baltimore
William S. Gordy, Jr............1946..................Salisbury
John J. McMullen... ........... .....1946 .... ............Cumberland
Dr. D. O. W. Holmes........ ....1946— ............Baltimore
Lee L. Dopkin— .......... ......1946 ......................Baltimore
Sen. L. Harold Sothoron... .........1946 ... ..... ............ Brentwood
Charles M. Bandiere...........1946 ............ ....Baltimore
Robert J. Buxbaum..............1946.....................Baltimore
William F. Schluderberg.........1946 ..................Baltimore
Consulting Members:
Dean J. F. Pyle................1946... .........College Park
Ezra B. Whitman...........-1946 .................Baltimore
Nathan L. Smith................1946 .....................Baltimore
I. Alvin Pasarew, Secretary........1946-......................Baltimore
Associate Members;
Mrs. Henry E. Corner..........1946 ..................Baltimore
Albert L. Sklar..................1945 ........ ....Baltimore
This Commission shall consist of not more than 16 members to be
appointed by the Governor. The Governor shall designate the Chair-
man of the Commission and the Commission will then select is own
Vice-Chairman and other officers. The members of the Commission
shall include representation from the Maryland General Assembly;
the State Planning Commission; Industry; Labor; Finance and the
General Public.
It shall be selected to represent all sections of the State without re-
gard to political affiliations, race or creed. The Commission is au-
thorized and empowered to employ such persons as may be necessary
in the performance of its duties and pay the compensation and incur
any necessary expense therefor, within the limits of the funds pro-
vided for the said Commission.
Equitable Building, Baltimore 2, Maryland
(Chapter 39—Special Session 1933)
(Terms Expire 1949)
Members Address
Henry P. Irr, Chairman— ....... ........ ......... .......Baltimore
William L. Galvin— ............. ........ ......... ......Baltimore