legislative district of Baltimore City. The County Board of Educa-
tion and the Board of School Commissioners of Baltimore City, with
the approval of the Senator, makes the appointment after competi-
tive examination. Those who are awarded scholarships agree to teach
school for two years after leaving college.
By Chapter 241 of the Acts of 1933 the foregoing regulations were
amended to provide that the scholarships awarded from the Districts
of Baltimore City and Dorchester, Kent and Queen Anne's Counties
shall be awarded by the State Senators of the respective Districts of
Baltimore City and the said counties. The Senators of the respective
legislative districts of Baltimore City and said counties shall make the
appointments for said scholarships only after competitive examina-
tions given by the College and from the list of successful applicants
passing said examinations, the said list to be furnished by the College
with the grades of each applicant. Provided, however, that the said
respective Senators, in making said appointments, shall take into con-
sideration the financial condition of the parents or guardians of the
several applicants, and no applicant whose parents or guardians are
able to pay said tuition and board shall be appointed.
Administrative Officers
Homer E. Cooper, Ph.D., Columbia University, President.
Edward C. Bixler, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, President
Miles S. Reifsnyder, S.T.D., Westminister Theological Seminary,
Associate Dean.
Margaret Girvan Westerhof, M.A„ Duke University, Resistrar.
The Honorable J. David Baile, Treasurer and Business Manager.
Mary Meares Gait, M.A.., Columbia University, Dean of Women.
Milo Light, M.A., University of Pennsylvania, Dean of Men.
Charlotte Ann Peck, B.S., in L.S., New York State College for
Teachers at Albany, Librarian.
Philip G. Auchampaugh, Ph.D., Clark University, History.
Vera Beck, Ph.D., Charles IV University, Spanish.
George Raymond Beech, B.C.S. New York University, Mer-
Edward C. Bixler, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvama, Latin.
Leon W. Clarke, M.A. Columbia University, English.
Homer E. Cooper, Ph.D., Columbia University, Economics.
William Davis Furry, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, Philosophy.
Mary Meares Gait, M.A„ Columbia University, French.
Edward G. Gisburne, B.S. in Corn. Ed., Rider College, Typing.
Gerald F. Grillot, Ph.D., University of Illinois, Chemistry.
Richard Monroe Haff, Ph.D. Cornell University, Biology.
Paul R. Ihrig, Jr., M.A„ Trinity College, Art.
Mary Evalyne Jenkins, Master of Education, Pennsylvania State
College, English, Dramatics.
Frederick Lawrence Jones, M.A„ University of North Carolina,
Frances Virginia Peck, M.A„ New York State College for Teachers
at Albany, Secretarial Science.
Miles S. Reifsnyder, S.T.D., Westminister Theological Seminary,
Stanley E. Rodgers, Jr„ M.A„ Clarke University, Physics.