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Maryland Manual, 1940-41
Volume 159, Page 545   View pdf image (33K)
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shall hold office for terms of three years; the Governor, At-
torney General, members of the State Senate and all other
State and county officers elected by the qualified voters at
the election to be held on the Tuesday next after the first
Monday in November, in the year nineteen hundred and
twenty-three, for terms of office heretofore fixed by law at
four years, shall hold office for terms of three years; Regis-
ters of Wills, Clerks of Court and all other State and county
officers elected by qualified voters at the election to be held
on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November, in the
the year nineteen hundred and twenty-three, for terms of
office heretofore fixed by law at six years, shall hold office for
terms of three years; and all such State and county officers
elected by qualified voters thereafter shall hold office for terms
of four years.

SEC. 4. All officers to be appointed by the Governor under
existing provisions of law in the year nineteen hundred and
twenty-four for terms of office heretofore fixed by law at two
years, shall hold office for terms of three years; all officers so
appointed for terms of office heretofore fixed by law at four
years, shall hold office for terms of three years; all officers so
appointed for terms of office heretofore fixed by law at six years,
shall hold office for terms of five years, and there after appoint-
ments by the Governor shall be for the terms heretofore fixed by
law, unless otherwise duly changed by law. All officers ap-
pointed by County Commissioners after the election to be held
on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November,
nineteen hundred and twenty-three, for terms of office of two,
four or six years, shall hold office for terms of three years, and
thereafter appointment by the County Commissioners shall be
for terms of four years, unless otherwise duly changed by law.

SEC. 6. The terms of all State and county officers hereto-
fore elected by qualified voters, and whose successors would
not be elected until the Tuesday next after the first Monday
of November, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, shall be in-
creased by one year, and their successors shall be elected for the
regular term at the election to be held on the Tuesday next after
the first Monday of November, nineteen hundred and twenty-
six. The terms of all State and county officers heretofore elected
by qualified voters, and whose successors would not be elected
until the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November,
nineteen hundred and twenty-seven, shall remain unchanged;
their successors shall be elected for a term of three years at
the elections to be held on the Tuesday next after the first
Monday of November, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, but
shall not take office until the expiration of the full term for
which their predecessors have been elected: and their successors


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Maryland Manual, 1940-41
Volume 159, Page 545   View pdf image (33K)
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