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Maryland Manual, 1940-41
Volume 159, Page 544   View pdf image (33K)
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Secretary of State shall prepare and submit a ballot title of
each such measure in such form as to present the purpose of said
measure concisely and intelligently. The ballot title may be
distinct from the legislative title, but in any case the legislative
title shall be sufficient. Upon each of the ballots, following the
ballot title or text, as the case may be, of each such measure,
there shall be printed the words "For the Referred Law" and
"Against the Referred Law," as the case may be. The votes
cast for and against any such referred law shall be returned to
the Governor in the manner prescribed with respect to pro-
posed amendments to the Constitution under Article XIV of
this Constitution, and the Governor shall proclaim the result of
the election, and, if it shall appear that the majority of the votes
cast on any such measure were cast in favor thereof, the
Governor shall, by his proclamation, declare the same having
received a majority of the votes to have been adopted by the
people of Maryland as a part of the laws of the State, to take
effect thirty days after such election, and in like manner and
with like effect the Governor shall proclaim the result of the
local election as to any Public Local Law which shall have been
submitted to the voters of any county or of the City of Baltimore.

SEC. 6. No law or Constitution Amendment, licensing,
regulating, prohibiting, or submitting to local option, the manu-
facture or sale of malt or spirituous liquors, shall be referred or
repealed under any Act of the provisions of this Article.


SECTION 1. All State officers elected by qualified voters
(except judges of the Circuit Courts of the several circuits,
the member of the Court of Appeals from Baltimore City,
and members of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City), and
all county officers elected by qualified voters, shall hold office
for terms of four years, and until their successors shall qualify.

SEC. 2. Elections by qualified voters for State and county
officers shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Mon-
day of November, in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-
six, and on the same day in every fourth year thereafter.

SEC. 3. Members of the House of Delegates and all other
State and county officers elected by the qualified voters at the
election to be held on the Tuesday next after the first Mon-
day of November, in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-
three for terms of office heretofore fixed by law at two years,

* Added by Chapter 227, Acts of 1922, and adopted November, 1922.


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Maryland Manual, 1940-41
Volume 159, Page 544   View pdf image (33K)
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