Governor Herbert R. O'Conor
Edwin Warfield, Chairman, Conservation Commission
Garner W. Denmead, Chairman, Game and Inland Fish Com-
F. W. Besley, The State Forester. ........................ Baltimore
E. Lester Muller, Chairman........................ Baltimore
G. Alfred Peters, Jr............. .......... ............... Baltimore
Max Chambers.......................................... Preston
Michael J. Pendergast. ......................... Cumberland
Joseph S. McGrath................................ Crisfield
William B. Usilton, III, Executive Secretary. .... .Chestertown
Narcissa Hurley, Clerical Assistant
612 Union Trust Building, Baltimore,
Commissioners. Terms Expire.
Stanley Scherr, Chairman. .................................. 1943
Robert A. Sindall. ......................................... .1947
Thomas P. McDonough. .................................... .1946
Joseph M. Kelly, Secretary. ............................. Baltimore
The Governor appoints three for terms of six years each. (Chapter
395, Acts of 1931.)
The State Athletic Commission is charged with the supervision
of boxing and wrestling in Maryland. It appoints all officials con-
nected with the sport and its power is absolute. For its supervision
it collects 10 per cent of the gross receipts of all boxing and wrestling
Under the provisions of Section 7, Sub-title Finance Department, of
Chapter 29 of the Acts of 1922, this Commission accounts monthly to
the State Treasury Department for its receipts and disbursements.
(Ch. 351..Acts of 1939)
Frank P. Bratten, (Chairman) 701 Union Trust Bldg., Baltimore,
Md„ Chief Inspector of State Licenses.
A. H. Seidenspinner, Term expires 1945, Riverdale, Md.
Charles H. Steffey, term expires 1943, 336 N. Charles St., Baltimore,
Chapter 351, of the Acts of 1939 created the Real Estate Com-
mission of Maryland, and gives to the Governor the power to immedi-
ately appoint three persons, one of whom, and the chairman of the
Commission, shall be the chief of the License Bureau of the State
of Maryland, and two of whom shall have been citizens and residents
of this State for not less than five (5) years, and whose vocation for
a period of at least ten (10) years immediately proceeding their ap-
pointment, shall have been that of a real estate broker or real estate
salesman. One of the other two (2) members shall be a resident of
Baltimore City and one a resident elsewhere in the State of Maryland;
one shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years and one for a term
of four (4) years; and until their successors are appointed and quali-
fied, thereafter one member shall be appointed every second year for
a term of four (4) years and until their successors are appointed
and qualified. Members to fill vacancies shall be appointed by the Gov-
ernor for the unexpired term.
The chairman shall employ and may discharge at its pleasure a
Secretary-Treasurer and such assistants as may be necessary and do
all other things termed necessary to discharge the duties imposed