unemployment compensation fund, or upon the taxpayers of the State,
as the funds for administering expenses are supplied by the (Federal)
Social Security Board. The expense of administering the Maryland
State Employment Service is borne in a large measure by the Social
Security Board and in part by the United States Department of
Labor, with an appropriation by the State of Maryland.
(Joint resolution 12..Acts of 1939)
The Governor is requested to appoint a Commission, of not more
than eleven (II) members to make a careful study and investigation
of the question of Compulsory Hospital Insurance and to report to
the General Assembly on or before January 15, 1941, any recommen-
dations on the subject, together with legislation to make such re-
commendations effective.
Chapter 625..Acts of 1941
Richard F. Cleveland, Chairman........................ Baltimore
Hon. William C. Coleman............................................ Baltimore
John W. Farrell........................................ Baltimore
Mrs. Minier Hostetler. ................................... .Rockville
Dr. Earl K. Moses................................. Baltimore
Rabbi Bernard Lander............................ Baltimore
Joseph R. Byrnes, Secretary. .......................... .Baltimore
AN ACT to create a Commission to study and investigate the en-
tire subject of delinquent and dependent children and to define its
powers and duties.
The Governor shall appoint five persons who shall constitute a
Commission to be known as the "Commission on Juvenile Delin-
quency". The members of said Commission shall consist of persons
thoroughly qualified by experience and knowledge in the general field
of Juvenile Delinquency and shall serve without compensation. The
Commission shall have the power to inquire into 'the laws and systems
in effect in other States for the management, care and treatment of
delinquent and dependent children.
State Office Building, Annapolis, Md.
(Acts of 1939..Chapter 745)
This Commission was created by virtue of Senate Resolution 66
of the 1939 Legislature, which authorized the Governor to name five
members, one of whom was to be designated as Chairman to serve
with the following Ex-Officio members: The Governor, Chairman
of the Conservation Commission, Chairman of the State Game and
Inland Fish Commission and the State Forester.
The Commission is specifically instructed in its duties in publiciz-
ing the recreational attractions of the State and its natural resources.
The Commission is empowered to name employees to handle its work.
Members of the Commission are:
Ex-Officio Members: