Officers. Through them the Director of Health exercises supervision
over all matters affecting public health in the counties of Maryland.
The headquarters of the State Department of Health are at 2411
North Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland. The building houses the
executive offices, the bureaus, divisions, and central laboratories.
Branch bacteriological laboratories are maintained at conveniently
accessible centers in different parts of the State.
In the Executive Office are four divisions, Legal Administration,
Public Health Education, Oral Hygiene, and Personnel and Accounts.
Mr. J. Davis Donovan, LL.B., is Chief of the Division of Legal
Administration. His duties include the investigation of all infractions
of public health laws and representation of the Department in court
in cases of prosecution of violations of such laws. The Division also
enforces the provisions of the law relating to the manufacture and
sale of bedding and upholstered furniture.
Miss Gertrude B. Knipp, A.B., is Chief of the Division of Public
Health Education. Her duties include assembling and distributing in-
formation on health promotion and disease prevention; preparing bul-
letins in popular form for press purposes, with special reference to use
in the counties; preparing circulars and arranging reports and other
printed matter bearing upon the work of the Department.
Dr. Richard C. Leonard, D.D.S., is chief of the Division of Oral
Hygiene. His duties include the organization and supervision of
county school dental clinics wherein preschool and school children
are examined and either referred to a family dentist, or, in the case
of indigent children, given free care. Educational work on the im-
portance and maintenance of mouth health is carried on through lec-
tures, clinics, moving pictures and pamphlets distributed through the
In addition to the Executive Office the Department consists of
the following bureaus and divisions, the duties of which are described
The Bureau of Vital Statistics registers and makes statistical
studies of all births and deaths, marriages, and divorces occurring in
Maryland; licenses and registers midwives and regulates the trans-
poration of the dead. It also maintains a service for issuing certi-
fied copies of certificates of births and deaths. On registration of
births, certificates are sent to parents of all children born in the
counties of Maryland and cards certifying to the date of birth are
furnished for entrance to school and for work permits.
Arthur W. Hedrich, Sc. D., Chief, Baltimore.
The Bureau of Communicable Diseases receives daily reports
from Health Officers of communicable diseases; investigates out-
breaks of diseases and directs measures for their control; enforces
the laws on the notification of reportable diseases and the smallpox
vaccination law: aids in maintaining tuberculosis clinics and keeps
a separate and confidential record of all cases of tuberculosis and
of venereal diseases; maintains venereal disease clinics, directs med-
ical inspection of public schools and investigates nuisances. The Divi-
sion of Epidemiology and the Pasteur Division are under this Bureau.
By an Act of Legislature, March, 1937, the Maryland State De-
partment of Health was designated as the agency of the State to ad-
minister and supervise the program of services for children who are
crippled or who are suffering from conditions which lead to crippling,
This service is also under the Bureau of Communicable Diseases.