Carroll T. Bond, Baltimore City (Chief Judge) 1924-
Francis Neal Parke, Carrroll County 1924-
William C. Walsh, Allegany County 1924-1926
D. Lindley Sloan, Allegany County 1926-
Banjamin A. Johnson, Wicomico County 1934-
Wm. Mason Shehan, Talbot County 1934-
Walter J. Mitchell, Charles County 1934-
Carroll T. Bond, Baltimore City 1938-
Edward S. Delaplaine, Frederick County 1939-
John Lewger, Member of the Council, officer in charge of land grants,
etc. 1637
John Lankford, "during his natural life"—Surveyor General 1641
Robert Clarke, Surveyor-General 1648
Jerome Clarke, Surveyor-General 1664
Baker Brooke, Surveyor-General 1674
Vincent Lowe, Surveyor-General 1679 to 1680
In 1680 the Land Office Was Created, with a Register on Each Shore
John Llewellin, Register for Western Shore.
Vachel Downes, Register for Eastern Shore.
Henry Darnal, Register 1688
Charles Carroll, Register 1712
Edward Griffith, Register 1715
Edmund Jennings, Judge and Register 1738
Levin Gale, Judge and Register 1738
Philip Thomas, Judge and Register 1743
Benj. Tasker and Benj. Young, Judges and Registers 1746
Benj. Young and George Stuart, Judges and Registers 1747
Benedict Calvert and George Stuart, Judges and Registers 1756
St. George Peale, Registrar 1777
John Calahan, Register 1779
John Kilty, Register 1806
John Brewer, Register 1812
G. G. Brewer, Register 1827
In 1841 the Eastern Shore Office Was Transferred to the
Western Shore
G. G. Brewer, Register for Western Shore.
Samuel Roberts, Register for Eastern Shore.
The Constitution of 1851 Created the Office of Commissioner
of the Land Office
James Murray 1852
William L. W. Seabrook 1857
George L. L. Davis 1868
William R. Hayward 1869
J. Thomas Scharf 1884
Philip D. Laird 1892
William O. Mitchell 1896
E. Stanley Toadvin 1900
E. Stanley Toadvin 1904
W. Laird Henry 1908
Thomas A. Smith 1908
John J. Hanson 1912