Cheltenham, Prince George's County, Md,
(Formerly House of Reformation)
Chapter 70—Acts of 1937
Board of Managers (Named in Act)
Ex-Officio, Hon. Herbert R. O'Conor, Governor.
Name. Term expires. Address.
Dr. Harry C. Byrd. ................. .1941. .................... ..College Park
John L. Berry .....................1941..................... Baltimore
Rev. Albert J. Mitchell. ....... 1941......................... Baltimore
Miss Ida R. Cummings. ......... 1941........................ Baltimore
Mrs. Bertha B. Proctor. .......... 1941.................... Baltimore
Enoch Harlan................... 1939.................... Baltimore
Howard C. Hill. .... ...... 1939. ................ Baltimore
Dr. J. L. Johnson. ............... 1939. .................. Elkton
Blossie K. Miller. ................. ..1939. ................... Clinton
James E. Steuart. ............... 1939.................... Baltimore
Joseph H. Blandford ..................1940.................. Brandywine
Hal B. Clagett. ....................... 1940. ........... ..Washington, D. C.
J. Amos Davis................ 1940............... Brandywine
Dr. William H. Gibbons. ...... .1940. .................... Croome
M. Hampton Margruder. ........ 1940. ............... Upper Marlboro
Superintendent: Benjamin B. Sunderland.
Terms of office begin on June I, to continue for three years.
The Governor without need of consent of the Senate appoints
five members of the Board of Managers each year for a term of three
years. The Board of Managers of the Cheltenham School for Boys
shall consist of the Governor Ex-Officio for the time being and fifteen
members named in the Act.
The School received colored male minors on commitment of any
Court, Juvenile Court, or Justice of the Peace, but by the provisions
of the Act the City of Baltimore or the Counties from which said
minors are committed are required to pay to the State Treasury the
sum of $200.00, per annum, for their care and training and the remain-
ing amount necessary is paid from the State Treasury. School classes
are available through the eighth grade and Practical Arts Courses
in agricultural and industrial lines. Related subjects classes are
included in the practical arts courses.
Communications should be addressed to the Superintendent of the
School, Cheltenham, Maryland.
601 N. Fulton Avenue, Baltimore
(Term Expires 1941.)
Name. Postoffice.
Dr. Arthur G. Barrett, President. ............................... .Baltimore
John G. Schilpp, Vice-President and Counsel................. Baltimore
Frederick A. Dolfield, Treasurer.............................. Baltimore
William S. Ratchford, Secretary and Superintendent.... Baltimore
Dr. Lester P. Goodhand........................................... Baltimore