The law creating the commission was passed at the Legislative Ses-
sion of 1920 and appears as Chapter 273. Under this law only such
persons, associations or corporations may hold or conduct any meeting
within the State of Maryland whereat horse racing shall be permitted
for any stake, purse or reward, as are licensed by the Commission.
The Racing Commission has full power to prescribe rules, regula-
tions and conditions under which all horse races are conducted; and
may make rules restricting and regulating betting on all such races;
fix and regulate the rate of charge by the licensee for an admission,
the performance of any service, or for the sale of any article on the
premises; and also may regulate the size of the purse, stake or reward
offered for the conduct of such races, and the payment of money for
salaries, fees and compensation by the licensee.
In addition to licensing racing generally for a prescribed period,
bona fide County Fairs or Agricultural Exhibits are licensed by the
Racing Commission to conduct racing.
The decision of the Commission in the suspension or revocation
of licenses are matters in the discretion of the Commission. The
action of the Commission in suspending or revoking any license is
final, except, however, the propriety of such action is subject to
review by the courts on questions of law only.
Miscellaneous Boards and
(Terms Expire 1941.)
Name. Postoffice.
Albert S. Cummings.................................................. Baltimore
Thomas B. Butler..................................... .... Baltimore
Edward Gross................................................ Baltimore
George M. Fink................................................ Baltimore
Mrs. Wm. H. Lantz, Jr..................................... Towson
Superintendent, Brother Liguori, C.F.X.
The Governor appoints five for two years from first Monday in
May. (Ch. 35,1908.)
St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys of the City of Baltimore was
incorporated in 1866. It is situated in the western part of the city on
Wilkens, Caton and De Soto Road.
This school is under the personal management of the Xaverian
Brothers, a body of men who devote their lives to the education of
boys and young men. Brother Liguori is the present Superintendent,
and all communications should be addressed to him.
The State of Maryland appropriates $60,000 annually towards the
maintenance of the boys sent to the school from The various counties
of the State. The wards of the City of Baltimore are paid for by the
city at the rate of $16% per month.