SEC. 6. The right of trial by jury of all issues of fact in
civil proceedings in the several courts of law in this State,
where the amount in controversy exceeds the sum of five dol-
lars, shall be inviolably preserved.
SEC. 7. All general elections in this State shall be held on
the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of No-
vember, in the year in which they shall occur; and the first
election of all officers, who, under this Constitution, are re-
quired to be elected by the people, shall, except in cases
herein specially provided for, be held on the Tuesday next
after the first Monday of November, in the year eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven.
SEC. 8. The Sheriffs of the several counties of this State
and of the City of Baltimore shall give notice of the several
elections authorized by this Constitution, in the manner pre-
scribed by existing laws for elections to be held in this State,
until said laws shall be changed.
SEC. 9. The term of office of all judges and other officers,
for whose election provision is 'made. by this Constitution,
shall, except in cases otherwise expressly provided herein,
commence from the time of their election; and all such offi-
cers shall qualify as soon after their election as practicable,
and shall enter upon the duties of their respective offices
immediately upon their qualification; and the term of office
of the State Librarian and of Commissioner of the Land
Office shall commence from the time of their appointment.
SEC. 10. Any officer elected or appointed in pursuance of
the provisions of this Constitution, may qualify, either ac-
cording to the existing provisions of law, in relation to offi-
cers under the present Constitution, or before the Governor
of the State, or before any clerk of any court of record in
any part of the State; but in case an officer shall qualify out
of the county in which he resides, an official copy of his oath
shall be filed and recorded in the clerk's office of the Circuit
Court of the county in which he may reside, or in the clerk's
office of the Superior Court of the City of Baltimore, if he
shall reside therein. All words or phrases, used in creating
public offices and positions under the Constitution and laws
of this State, which denote the masculine gender shall be
construed to include the feminine gender, unless the con-
trary intention is specifically expressed.*
For the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the people of
this State in regard to the adoption or rejection of this Con-
*Thus» amended by the Act of 1922, Chapter 275, and adopted by the people
November. 1922.