1 E. 3. 6. Who may be Justice of Peace, c. 4.
2 E. 3. 3. No Man shall come before the Justice, or
go or ride armed, c. 4.
4 E. 3. 2. The Authority of Justices, &c. of the
Peace, c. 4.
18 E. 3. 2. Justices of Peace and their Authority,
c. 3, 4.
34 E. 3. 1. Justices of Peace and their Authority.
36 E. 3. 12. At what times the 4 Sessions of Justices
of Peace shall be holden, c. 4.
41 E. 3. 4. Commissions of Inquiry to whom to be
made, c. 4. 146.
12 R. 2. 10. How many Justices of Peace there shall
be in every County, and how often they shall keep
their Sessions, c. 4, 186.
13 R. 2. 7. What sort of Persons shall be Justices of
Peace, and what their charge is to see, c. 3, 4.
c. 8. Rates of
Labourers and Servants, and
gains of Victuallers, and touching Horse Bread,
c. 56.
c. 10. Touching
Cogware and Kendal Cloth,
c. 24.
c. 11. Clothes
not to be put to sale before opened
c. 24.
c. 13. Touching
Hunting, c. 55.
14 R. 2. 11. The number of Justices and their Wages,
c. 4, 186.
15 R. 2. 1. Touching Forcible Entry, c. 44.
17 R. 2. 9. The Justices of Peace shall be Conservators
of the Statutes touching Salmons, c. 42.
4 H. 4. 3. Touching Watched, c. 104.
5. H. 4. 10. Touching Imprisonment, c. 171.
7 H. 4. 3. Touching Estreats, c. 37.
c. 7. Touching Arrowheads,
c. 14.
13 H. 4. 7. Touching Riots, c. 82, 136.
2 H. 5. 4. Justices of Peace Residence and Sessions,
c. 4, 186.
c. 8. Touching Riots,
c. 82. 156.
c. 9. Touching Process
against Fugitives,
c. 194.
c. 1. Touching Justices
their sufficiency, c. 4.
Parl. 2. 2. H. 5. 6. Touching falsifying of Mony,
c. 140.
2 H. 6. 11. The Measures of Wine, Eels, Herrings and
Salmon, c. 112.
8 H. 6. 5. Touching Weights, ib.
c. 7. Touching Forcible
Entry and Detainer,
c. 44, 125, 126.
c. 10. Touching Process
into Forreign Counties,
ib. & 127, 128, 183.
c. 14. Touching Writs
and Process, c. 82. 136.
10 H. 6. 6. Touching Process upon Indictments, c. 194. |
11 H. 6. 6. Touching Discontinuance of Process.
c. 8. Touching
Weights and Measures, c. 112.
c. 12. Touching Wax,
c. 106.
14 H. 6. 4. Touching Sessions in Middlesex, c. 186.
18 H. 6. 11. Of what sufficiency in Lands a Justice of
Peace ought to be, c. 4.
20 H. 6. 19. Touching Souldiers, c. 94.
23 H. 6. 10. Touching Attornys in Norfolk.
3 E. 4. 2. Touching Sheriffs Turns, c. 90.
4 E. 4. 1. Touching Cloth, c. 24.
12 E. 4. 9. Touching Escheators.
17 E. 4. 4. Touching making of Tile, c. 103.
1 R. 3. 3. Touching Mainprize, c. 167, 168.
1 H. 7. 7. Touching Hunting in the night, c. 55.
2 H. 7. 1, 8. Touching Concealment of Jurors, &c.
c. 18.
3 H. 7. 3. Touching Bailment, c. 167.
4 H. 7. 12. Touching the Justices Duty, c. 174.
7 H. 7. 1. Touching Souldiers, c. 94.
c. 4. Touching Weights,
c. 112.
11 H. 7. 18. Touching Sheriffs their Estreats, &c.
c. 90.
c. 17. Touching Partridges,
Hawks, Swans, &c.
c. 68.
19 H. 7. 5. Touching carrying Gold and Silver into
c. 6. Touching Brass
and Pewter.
c. 7. Touching
Ordinances of Crafts.
c. 10. Touching
Gaols, c. 78.
c. 11. Touching Deer
Hays, c. 55.
c. 12. Touching Riots,
c. 82, 135.
1 H. 8. 7. Touching Coroners, c. 41.
c. 8. Touching Escheators
and Coroners.
3 H. 8. 5. Touching Captains and Souldiers, c. 94.
c. 12. Touching Panels
of Sheriffs, c. 90.
4 H. 8. 7. Touching Pewter and Brass.
6 H. 8. 6. Touching remanding of Prisoners.
14 H. 8. 6. Touching Ways in the Wilde of Kent,
c. 51.
c. 10. Touching Hunting
of Hares, c. 55.
22 H. 8. 5. Touching the repair of Bridges, c. 16.
c. 11. Touching Powdike.
c. 14. Touching
23 H. 8. 1. Touching Clergy, c. 191.
c. 2. Touching Gaols,
c. 78.
c. 5. Touching Sewers,
c. 88.
c. 17. Touching Fish
Gartiks on Humber.
24 H. 8. 10. Touching Crows, &c.
25 H. 8. 6. Touching Buggery, c. 159.
c. 11. Touching Wild
Fowl, c. 110.
c. 13. Touching Keeping
of Sheep, c. 89. |