12 |
But this shall not extend to such as shall agree
by contract in writing with any
Merchant or other person to be transported, and receive earnest upon
such agreement,
nor to persons convicted of Felony, and praying to be transported,
nor to
the imprisonment, or any thing relating thereto, of any person before
the first of
June, 1679. nor to persons resiant within this Realm, that shall
have committed
any Capital Offence in Scotland, Ireland, or any the Islands
or Foreign Plantations
of the Kings, but that such persons may be sent to receive their Trial
At the end of the fourth Section of Chapter 190. add
Clergy is likewise taken away by the Statute of 18
cap. 3. from great,
known and notorious Thieves and spoil Takers in the Counties of Northumberland
and Cumberland, or the Justices may cause them to be transported.
Note, although
this Statute was discontinued, yet tis again revived by the Statute
of 29
& 30 Car. 2. cap. 2. and is to continue from thenceforth
for seven years, and from
thence to the end of the first Session of the next Parliament.
18 Car. 2.
c. 3.
29 & 30
Car. 2. c. 2. |
Peer. |
After Chap. 195. add this.
There shall be eight or any five of them Commissioners
to have the inspection,
and take account of the Receipts and Disbursements of all such Monies
as shall
be collected towards the repairing and maintaining Yarmouth-Peer
years, and to the end of the next Sessions of Parliament, from and
after the
twenty fourth day of July next ensuing. Two of which said
shall be yearly appointed by the Maior, Aldermen, Burgesses and Commonalty
in Common-Council assembled, and other two of the said eight Commissioners
in like manner to be appointed by the Maior, Aldermen and Commons
of the City in Norwich in Common-Council assembled; and other
two shall be
appointed by the Justices of Peace for the County of Norfolk;
and the other
two shall be appointed by the Justices of Peace for the County of Suffolk,
the respective Sessions of the Peace to be holden for the said Counties
of Norfolk
and Suffolk. |
1 Jac. 2.
c. 16. |
Sussex for
Essex. |
In the Act for removing papists from the Cites of
the County Sussex being mistaken and inserted for the County
of Essex, It is
hereby enacted that all Power and Authority by the said recited Act
given to
the Justices of Peace of the County of Sussex, do extend the
County of
Essex, and the Justices of Peace of the said County of Essex. |
1 Will. &
Mar. c. 17. |
Benefices. |
Every person who shall refuse or neglect to make,
repeat and subscribe the
Declaration mentioned in and Act of this Parliament, entituled, An
Act for the
better securing the Government by disarming Papists and reputed
when lawfully
tendred by any two Justices of Peace, or shall refuse or forbear to
and have his Name, Sirname and place of Abode certified and recorded
at the
General Quarter-Sessions, as by the said Act, &c. Every such
person so recorded
shall from and after the time of such Record be disabled to make any
or Grant of any avoidance of any Benefice or Ecclesiastical Living,
fully as if he were a Popish Recusant convict. Yet if any such
person shall present
himself at the General Quarter-Sessions, and shall there in open Court
and subscribe the said Declaration, and take the several Oaths contained
one Act of this present Parliament, entituled, An Act for the Abrogating
of the
Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, and appointing other Oaths, he
shall be discharged
from the said disability. |
1 Will. &
Mar. c. 26. |
forfeited. |
Every Ship landing French Commodities here in England
the twenty
fourth of August, during the Term of three years: And
every Bark, Lighter,
&c. out of which the same shall be put on Shore shall be forfeited,
and the
Master, Purser, &c. taking care of the Vessel out of which any
of the Commodities
shall be unshipped into any Boat or Vessel, or landed, or put on shore
shall forfeit 500 l. and being apprehended by Warrant of any
one or more Justices
of Peace where such landing shall be, or where the persons offending
may be found, the said Justices are to examine Witnesses upon oath
the Fact, and the same being proved by two Witnesses, the Offenders
may be
by such Justice committed to the Gaol for twelve months without Bail
or Mainprize,
And every Seaman, Mariner, Waterman, Carman, &c. or any other
assisting in the landing the said Commodities, shall upon proof as
aforesaid be
subject to the like imprisonment, or publickly whipped at the discretion
of the
Justice of Peace. |
1 Will. &
Mar. c. 34. |