Cambr. |
Precedents of Licences.
The form of a Testimonial for the conveying of a Rogue that hath
been punished
according to the Statute of 39 El. c. 4.
John a-Stile, a sturdy vagrant Begger, (of
low personage, red-haired,
having the nail of his right thumb cloven) aged about 25 years, was
the sixth day of April, in the tenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign
Lord King Charles of England, &c. openly whipped at W.
in the said
County (according to the Law) for a wandring Rogue, and is assigned
to pass forthwith from Parish to Parish by the Officers thereof, the next
straight way to P. in the County of W. where (as he confesseth)
he was
born, (or dwelled last by one whole year, &c. if the case be such)
he is limited to be at P. aforesaid within ten days now next ensuing,
his peril. Given at West-Wratting, under the hand and seal
of M. D.
Esquire, one of his Majesties Justices of Peace in the said County
Cambridge. |
Chap. 177. |
Note, by the words of the Statute 39 El. 4.
such Testimonial must be
under the hand and seal of the Justice of Peace, Constable, Headborough
and of the Minister of the Parish, or any one of them; and yet it is taken
that the Justice of Peace alone under his hand and seal may make such
Testimonial. Lamb. 206. |
Note also, that it is needful both in this and in
all other Testimonials,
Certificates, Safe-conducts, and Pass-Ports whatsoever, to note and specifie
expressly some assured marks of the party, as his Stature, colour of
Hair, Complexion, (if it may be) some apparent fear, or other note,
by which he may be infallibly distinguished and known from others; lest
(as is often found) both himself take the benefit thereof, and he also
communicate the use of the same to others, in abuse of him that made
it, and of the Law in that behalf provided.
Norff. |
A Testimonial for such as have suffered Shipwreck.
A. B. of C. in the County of Norff.
Esquire, one of the Kings Majesties
Justices, &c. to all, &c. Forasmuch as the Bearer hereof
I. S. aged about,
&c. having lately been at Sea, in a Ship called, &c. hath suffered
and got to land at Y. in the said County of Norff. upon the
day of July last past, as I am credibly informed, as well by the
of the said I. S. as also by the testimony of divers the Inhabitants
of Y.
aforesaid) and for that the said I. S. hath not wherewith to
relieve himself
in his travel homeward to D. in the County of H. where he
saith he
was born, (or hath a dwelling, &c.) These are therefore to pray
and every of you, to whom these presents shall come, not to molest or
trouble the said I. S. in his travel to D. aforesaid, where
he is limited to
be within 20 days next after the date hereof; but to desire you rather
to relieve him in his necessity, as you shall seem meet: and withal,
the Constables of every Town where he shall come, to help him with
lodging in convenient time, so that he travelleth the direct way to D.
not doing any thing contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this
Realm. In witness whereof, &c. |
or Souldier. |
The like (with very little alteration) may be for
a poor Mariner, or
a poor Souldier, coming from the Seas, or from beyond the Sea. Vide
antea tit. Rogues. |
But these two last Testimonials must be made by
some Justice of Peace
dwelling near where such persons do land. |