44 |
and second offence be amerced, and for the third offence be put in
the Pillory
without redemption. 31 H. 1.c.7. |
Chap. 16. |
There is a good Law made 23 H. 8.c.4. that
no Brewer shall be a Cooper,
and for setting the prices: but the Justices of Peace have nothing to do
as is resolved Cr. 4. Car. 1. libro meo, p. 79. as suing for the
Penalties; but
Justices of Peace out of Corporations, and in them the Mayor and second
Officers may Assess the price of Ale and Beer. |
See the penalty of a Brewer selling Beer to an
unlicensed Ale-house, tit.
Ale-house, &c 1 Jac. 18. |
A Brewer that Brews Beer without corrupt Hops,
or mixt with powder, dust
or other soil, forfeits the value of the Hops. 1 Jac. 18.
§. 1.
Four Justices. |
WHere a decayed Bridge is, and that it cannot be
proved who nor
what Lands be chargeable to the repairing thereof, four Justices of
Peace (whereof one to be of the Quorum) within the Shire or Riding
wherein such decayed Bridge is, (out of Cities and Towns Corporate;
and if it be within a City or Town Corporate, then four such Justices of
Peace there) may within the limits of their several Commissions call before
them the Constables, or two of the most honest Inhabitants of every
Town and Parish within the Shire, Riding, City or Town Corporate,
wherein such Bridge or any person thereof shall happen to be; and the
said Justices (upon the appearance of such Constables or other Inhabitants,
and with their assent) may tax every Inhabitant in any such City, Town,
or Parish (within their limits) to such reasonable sum of money as by their
discretions they shall think convenient, as well for the repairing of such
Bridge, as also for the making and repairing of any High-ways lying next
adjoyning to the end of any such Bridge within this Realm, distant from
either of the ends of the Bridge by the space of Three hundred Foot. |
22 H. 3.5.
P. 2, 3, 4. |
Tax. |
After such taxation made, the
said Justices of Peace shall cause the
Names and Sir-names of every particular person, so by them taxed, to be
written in a Roll indented. |
P. 2. |
Collectors. |
Also the said Justices shall make two Collectors
of every Hundred, for
the collecting of all such sums of Mony, by the said Justices set and taxed;
which Collectors receiving the one part of the said Roll indented under
the Seals of the said Justices, shall have power thereby to collect all
particular sums of Mony therein contained, and to distrain such as shall
refuse to pay the same, and to sell such Distress, delivering to the owner
the over-plus of the Mony, if there be any. |
P. 3. |
Also the said Justices shall appoint two Surveyors,
which shall see such
decayed Bridges and Ways repaired and amended from time to time, as
often as need shall require; to whose hands the said Collectors shall pay
the said sums of Mony by them received. |
P. 4. |
The said Collectors and Surveyors, and their Executors
and Administrators,
and every of them, shall from time to time make a true account to
the said Justices of Peace of the receits, payments and expences of the
said sums of Mony; and if any of them refuse so to do, then the said
Justices of Peace from time to time (by their discretions) may make out
Process against the said Collectors and Surveyors, their Executors and
by Attachments, Precept, or Warrant, under their Seals, returnable
at their General Sessions of the Peace. |
Ibid. |