Chap. 13, 14, 15. |
Bankrupt. Bows and Arrows, &c.
Felony, it seemeth any one Justice of Peace alone may bail a Prisoner;
(see the Titles, Affray, Dying, and Surety for the Peace:)
except where
some particular Statute shall otherwise prescribe, as in titulo Counterfeitors.
See more of Bailment hic postea. |
43 |
23 H. 6.10. |
Sheriffs, under-sheriffs, Coroners, Stewards,
Bailiffs, Keepers of Prisons
and other Officers, shall let out of Prison all persons by them arrested,
or being in their Custody by force of any Writ, Bill or Warrant in any
Action personal, or by cause of any Indictment of Trespass upon reasonable
Sureties of sufficient persons within that County to keep their day, as
Writs, Bills or Warrants require; Except persons Arrested by Cap. Utlagat.
or Excommunication or Surety of the PEace, or committed to Ward by
special command of any Justices of Vagabonds, or shall pay the party treble
damages and forfeit Forty pounds, a Moiety to the King, the other to the
and the Justices of the Peace have power to hear and determine.
One Justice. |
7 H. 4.7. |
IF any Bankrupt shall upon his Examination
be found to have fraudulently
conveyed away Goods, Chattels, Lands, Tenements, Offices, Fees,
or any of his Estate to the value of Twenty pounds or more, to the end
hinder the Execution of the Statute, or to delay his Creditors of the same,
and shall not upon his Examination discover, and if it be in his power,
a particular thereof to the Commissioners, or that cannot make appear
to them some casual loss, whereby he is disabled to pay what he owed, may
Indicted for the same at the Sessions of the County, or place where he
a Bankrupt, and being thereof convicted, be set in the Pillory for
two hours,
and have one of his Ears nailed to the Pillory and cut off.
§. 1.
of falshood. |
7 H.4.7. |
Bows and Arrows.
JUstices of Peace in their Sessions have power
to hear and determine all
Offences against the Statute of 33 H. 8.c.9. touching the
use, ordering
and having of Bows, and by their discretion to examine all persons lacking
or not having Bows, Shafts and Arrows according to the form of that Statute.
The several branches, whereof inasmuch as Bows are not out of use, I have
forborn to abridge.
All Heads for Arrows shall be well boiled or brased
and hardned at the
points with Steel, and if any do contrary, they shall forfeit them tot
he King,
and make fine at the Kings will, and Justices of Peace shall inquire of
Offences, and punish them as aforesaid.
See also the Statute of 8 El. 10. touching Bows.
§. 1. |
Brewers and Bakers.
A Baker that observeth not the Assize of Bread,
shall be put into the
Pillory, and shall not be redeemed thence for Silver or Gold. 31
H. 1.
cap. 7.
A Brewer that breaks the Assize of Ale or Beer, shall
for the first |
§. 2. |