Chap. 5. |
Justices of the Peace.
' themselves, or hereafter shall presume unlawfully to demean
' themselves, or have been or hereafter shall be careless, remiss, or negligent
' in the County aforesaid. And of all and singular Articles and Circumstances,
' and all other things whatsoever, * by whomsoever and howsoever
' done or perpetrated in the County aforesaid, or which hereafter
' shall happen howsoever, to be done or attempted in any wise more fully
' concerning the truth of the premisses, or any of them: And to inspect
' all Indictments whatsoever so before you or any of you taken or to be
' taken, or made or taken, before others, late Justices of the Peace in
' County aforesaid, and not as yet determined; and to make and continue
' the Process thereupon against all and singular persons so Indicted,
' which hereafter shall happen to be Indicted before you, until they be
' render themselves, or be out-lawed: And to hear and determine
' all and singular the Felonies, Witchcrafts, Inchantments, Sorceries,
' Magick-Arts, Trespasses, Forestallings, Regratings, Ingrossings, Extortions,
' Unlawful Assemblies, Indictments aforesaid, and all and singular
' other the premisses according to the Laws and Statutes of England,
' as in like case hath been used or ought to be done: And to chastise
' punish the said persons offending and every of them for their offences,
' Fines, Ransoms, Amercements, Forfeitures, or otherwise, as ought and
' hath been used to be done according to the Laws and Customs of England,
' or the form of the Ordinances and Statutes aforesaid. |
* Note,
Here is neither
time, nor
place excepted. |
' Provided always, That if a case of difficulty
upon the determination
' of any of the premisses shall happen to arise before you, or any two
' you, or more of you; then you, nor any two or more of you do proceed
' to give Judgment therein, except it be in the presence of one of the
' Justices of one or the other Bench, or Justices of Assize in the County
' aforesaid. |
' And therefore We command you and every of you,
That you diligently
' intend the keeping of the Peace, Ordinances, Statutes and all and
' singular other the premisses; And at certain days and places which you,
' or any such two, or more of you, as is aforesaid, shall in that behalf
' ye make Inquiries upon the premisses, and hear and determine all
' and singular the premisses, and perform and fulfill the same in form
' doing therein that which to Justice appertaineth, according to the
' Law and Custom of England: Saving to us the Amercements, and
' things to us thereof belonging. |
' And we command by virtue of these presents the
Sheriff of the said
' County of Cambridge that at certain days and places which you,
or any
' such two or more of you, as aforesaid, shall make known to him, as aforesaid
' he, cause to come before you, or such two or more of you, as aforesaid,
' such and as many good and lawful men of his Bailiwick (as well
' within Liberties as without) by whom the truth in the premisses may be
' the better known and inquired of. |
' Lastly, we have assigned you the said John
Cuts Knight, Keeper of the
' Rolls of the Peace in the said County. And therefore you shall
cause to
' be brought before your self and your said Fellows, at the said days and
' places, the Writs, Precepts, Processes, and Indictments aforesaid, that
' same may be inspected, and by a due course determined, as aforesaid.
' witness whereof, &c. |
' Note, by this last Clause the Keeper of the
Rolls shall have the custody of
' Indictments, Presentments, Bills, Recognizances, and such like
Records of Sessions;
' but not the Custody of Records of Riots, Precepts of Peace, or
' special Records, or other Records not pertaining to the general
Sessions. |