To the
Rotulor. |
Assignavimus denique te præfatum Johannem
Cuts, Militem, Cust. Rot.
Pacis nostræ in dicto Comitatu nostro. Ac propterea tu, ad
dies & loca prædicta,
Brevia, Processus, & Indictamenta prædicta, coram te & dictis
sociis tuis venire facias, ut ea inspiciantur, & debito fine terminentur,
prædictum est Incujus rei testimonium, &c. Datum, &c, |
The same in English.
' CHARLES, &c. To Our Well beloved
and Faithful Thomas
' Coventry Knight, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England,
' James Ley Treasurer of England, &c. Greeting.
Know ye that We have
' assigned you, and every one of you, joyntly and severally, our Justices
' to keep our Peace in the County of Cambridg; And to keep and cause
' be kept all Ordinances and Statutes made for the good of the Peace, and
' for Conservation of the same, and for the quiet Rule and Government of
' our People in all and every the Articles thereof, in our said County,
' well within the Liberties as without) according to the force, form, and
' effect of the same; and to chastise and punish all persons offending
' the form of those Ordinances, or Statutes, or any of them, in the County
' aforesaid, as according to the form of those Ordinances and Statutes
' shall be fit to be done; And to cause to come before you, or any of you
' all those persons who shall threaten any of the People in their person,
' in burning their Houses, to find sufficient Security for the Peace, or
for the
' Good Behaviour towards Us and the People; and if they shall refuse to
' find such Security, then to cause them to be kept safe in Prison
' they find such Security: We have also assigned you, and every two
' more of you (whereof any of you the said A. B. C. shall be one)
' Justices to enquire by the Oath of good and lawful men of the County
' aforesaid, by whom the truth may be better known, of all and all manner
' of Felonies, Withcrafts, Inchantments, Sorceries, Magick-Art, Trespasses,
' Forestallings, Regratings, Ingrossings, and Extortions whatsoever;
' And of all and singular other misdeeds and offences, of which Justices
' Peace may or ought lawfully to enquire, by whomsoever and howsoever
' done or perpetrated, which hereafter shall happen howsoever to be
' done or attempted in the County aforesaid; And of all those who in the
' County aforesaid have either gone or ridden, or hereafter shall presume
' to go or ride in Companies with armed force against the Peace, to the
' disturbance of the People; And also of all those who in like manner
' have lain in wait, or hereafter shall presume to lie in wait, to maim
or kill
' our people; And also of Inn-holders, and of all and singular other persons
' who have offended or attempted, or hereafter shall presume to offend
' or attempt in the abuse of Weights or Measures, or in the sale of Victuals,
' against the form of the Ordinances or Statutes, or any of them, in that
' behalf made for the common good of England, and the people thereof
' in the County aforesaid; And also of all Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Stewards,
' Gaolers, and other Officers whatsoever, who in the Execution of
' their Offices about the premisses, or any of them have unlawfully demeaned |