16 |
Justices of the Peace.
' persons not having taken the said Oaths in our Courts aforesaid, shall
' the Quarter Sessions for that County or place where they shall reside
' after their admittance take the said Oaths, and such persons shall immediately
' after Divine Service and Sermon, upon some Lords day within
' Three months after their admittance in, or receiving their authority
' imployment in some parish Church, receive the Sacrament of the Lords
' Supper, and before he take the said Oaths, shall in such Court deliver
' Certificate of his receiving the Sacrament under the hands of the Minister
' and Church-warden, and shall make proof of the truth thereof by
' the Oath of Two credible witnesses at the least. And at the time
' taking the said Oath, the parties shall make and subscribe this Declaration.
' I A. B. Do declare, that I do believe that there is not any Transubstantiation
' in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, or in the Elements
' of Bread and Wine, at or after the Consecration thereof by any person
' whatsoever. Which Oaths and Declaration being not taken and
' the persons are rendered incapable, and the place void, and if after
' neglect or refusal the person concerned shall execute such office, he
' made incapable of suing, or being Guardian, Executor or Administrator,
' and of any gift, and to bear office, and shall forfeit 500 pounds being
' convicted of exercising the office, not having taken the Oaths.
' Car. 2d. |
Chap. 5. |
Nota, quod Kuramentum debet habere comites, Veritatem,
Judicium, &
Justitiam, Jer. 4.2. Et si ista defuerint, non Juramentum,
sed Perjurium erit.
Nemo se seducat; qui enum per lapidem falso jurat, perjurus est.
arte verborum, vel mentis reservatione juret aliquis, Deus ita accipit
ille cui juratur intelligit: Et minus malum est per Deum falsum jurare
veraciter, quam per Deum verum jurare falliciter. |
Now for that all the Authority and power of these
Commissioners or
Justices of the Peace ariseth partly out of their Commission, and Partly
out of the Statutes; I will first set down the form of the Commission
it self,
shortly considering the parts thereof.
§. 1. |
The Form of the Commission of the Peace.
CAROLUS, &c. Prædilecto &
fideli Thomæ Coventry militi,
Damino Custod. Mag. Sigilli Angliæ, Jacobo Ley,
Comiti Thesaurario
Angliæ, &c. Salutem. |
Ad pacem
conservandum. |
Sciatis, quod assignavimus vos, conjunctim &
divism, &c. quemlibet vestrum
Justiciarios nostros, ad Pacem nostram in Comitatu nostro Cantabrigiæ
ac ad omnia Orinationes & Statuta pro bono Pacis nostræ, ac
pro conservatione ejuldem, & pro quieto regimine & gubernatione
populi nostri
edita, in omnibus & singulis suis Articulis, in dicto Comitatu nostro
infra Libertates quam extra) juxta vim, forman, & effectum eorundem
& custodari faciendum; Et ad omnes contra formam Ordinationum
vel Statutorum illorum, aut eorum alicujus, in Com' præd' delinquentes,
& puniendum, prout secundum formam Ordinationum & Statutorum
illorum suerit faciendum; Et ad omnes illos qui alicui, vel aliquibus
de populo nostro de corporibus suis, vel de incendio domorum suarum, minas
fecerint, ad sufficientem securitatem de Pace vel bono gestu suo erga nos
populum nostrum inveniendam coram vobis, seu aliquo vestrum, venire faciendum;
& si bujumodi securitatem invenire recusaverint, tunc eos in prisonis
nostris (quousque bujumodi securitatem invenerint) salvo custodire faciendum.
Assignavimus etiam vos, & quolibet duos vel plures vestrum, quorum |