Chap. 4. |
Justices of the Peace.
ought to bear his Sovereign; which Oath is by force of the Statute 3
c.4. And is to be taken also by all Justices of the peace
(among others) by
the Statute 7 Jac. c.6. Which Oath is usually taken before
the Judges of
the Assize of the same county where the parties (to be sworn) reside, but
may be taken by the words of that Statute before Commissioners to that
purpose made. |
15 |
The form of this Oath is thus.
I Michael Dalton do truly and sincerely acknowledg,
profess, testifie and
declare in my conscience before God and the World, that our Sovereing
Lord K. James is lawful and rightful King of this Realm, and of
other his Majesties Dominions and Countries: And that the Pope neither
of himself, nor by any Authority of the Church or See of Rome,
by any other means, with any other, hath any Power or Authority to depose
the King, or to dispose any of his Majesties Kingdoms or Dominions,
or to Authorize any Forein Prince to invade or annoy him or his Countries,
or to discharge any of his Subjects of their Allegeance and Obedience to
his Majesty, or to give licence or leave to any of them to bear Arms, raise
Tumults, or to offer any violence or hurt to his Majesties Royal Person,
State or Government, or to any of his Majesties Subjects, within his Majesties
Dominions. Also I do swear from my heart, that notwithstanding
any Declaration, or Sentence of Excommunication, or Deprivation, made
or granted, or to be made or granted by the Pope or his Successors,
or by
any Authority derived, or pretended to be derived, from him or his See,
against the said King, his Heirs or Successors, or any Absolution of the
Subjects from their Obedience, I will bear Faith and true Allegeance
to his
Majesty his Heirs and Successors, and him and them will defend to the uttermost
of my power, against all Conspiracies and attempts whatsoever,
which shall be made against his or their Persons, their Crown and Dignity,
by reason or colour of any such Sentence or Declaration, or otherwise;
and will do my best endeavour to disclose and make known unto his Majesty,
his Heirs and Successors, all Treasons and Traiterous Conspiracies,
which I shall know or hear of to be against him or any of them. And
I do
farther swear, That I do from my heart abhor, detest, and abjure, as impious
and heretical, this damnable Doctorin and Position, That Princes
which be Excommunicated or deprived by the Pope, may be deposed or
murthered by their Subjects, or any other whatsoever. And I do
and in conscience am resolved, that neither the Pope, nor any person
whatsoever, hath power to absolve me of this Oath, or any part thereof,
which I acknowledge by good and full authority to be lawfully ministred
unto me, and do renounce all Pardons and Dispensations to the contrary.
And all these things I do plainly and sincerely acknowledg and swear, according
to these express words by me spoken, and according to the plain
and common sense and understanding of the same words, without any
equivocation, or mental evasion, or secret reservation whatsoever.
And I
do make this Recognition and Acknowledgment heartily, willingly, and
truly, upon the true Faith of a Christian. So help me God. |
§. 9.
2. 5 Ca. 2. |
' Every Justice of Peace is taken to be within the
Statute of 25 Car. 2. di,
' entituled, An Act for preventing dangers which may happen from Popish
' Recusants, and therefore every Justice of Peace inhabiting
or residing at
' the time of his admittance and placing in that Office in London
or Westminster,
' or within 30 Miles of the same, shall the next Term after his
' admittance in the Court of Chancery, or Kings Bench between the hours
' of Nine and Twelve in the forenoon take the Oaths of Supremacy,
' and during that time all Pleas and Proceedings shall cease; and such |
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